A Revolta do Robôt

A Revolta do Robôt Isaac Asimov
Clifford Donald Simak


A Revolta do Robôt (Romances do Futuro)

As Melhores Novelas de Ficção Científica

Coletânea de quatro histórias de Ficção Científica, extraída de "Six Great Short Science Fiction Novels": A New Collection edited by Groff Conklin (Dell Publishing Company / Dell Paperbacks, 1960).

[Sumário] "A Revolta do Robôt" [aka] Galley Slave [Susan Calvin's Robot Story] de Isaac Asimov [aka] o conto “Escravo” da coletânea "Nós, Robôs", a respeito do robô identificado como EZ-27 – ou "Easy", o Tranqüilo - como é chamado.. Originally published in "Galaxy" Magazine (December 1957), vol. 15, nº. 2. And included in the collection "The Rest of the Robots" (1964). Asimov identified it as his favorite among those of his robot stories featuring the character of Susan Calvin. About "Galley Slave", the critic Joseph Patrouch has pointed out that the speech Asimov gives to Simon Ninheimer - a professor of sociology, suing US Robots for loss of professional reputation - is an eloquent self-exculpation rather than a caricatured luddite* tract and cites the story as an example of a general rule that Asimov's best stories are those in which his personal technophile optimism is thus qualified.
(*) The Luddites were 19th-century English textile workers whose name had become emblematic of "machine destroyers".

"Project Nursemaid" de Judith Merril (First published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Oct, 1955) // "Último Gentleman" (Final Gentleman /1959) de Clifford D. Simak -- The Best of Clifford D. Simak (1975) // "O Libertador" (Chain Reaction by Algis Budrys (as John A. Sentry); first published Astounding Science Fiction Magazine (April, 1957) Vol. 59, No. 2.

"Six Great Short Science Fiction Novels": A New Collection edited by Groff Conklin (Paperback, 1960)" -- Contents:
Galley Slave by Isaac Asimov: The Three Laws of Positronic Robots made it impossible to kill a human, but there was a loophole... how murdering a man after his death!

Project Nursemaid by Judith Merril: A fascinatingly documented human story about the nearly insuperable difficulties of colonizing the moon.

Final Gentleman by Clifford D. Simak: Was Hollis Harrington really more than one man?

Chain Reaction by Algis Budrys: Any man will struggle for the right to live by his own beliefs - even if those beliefs can lead to his own death.

Rule Golden by Damon Knight: Will the aliens land with fire and the sword? Or will they come offering friendship? Or will they try to change the ways men think of war and peace?

Incommunicado by Kathrine MacLean: There was trouble on Station A. Cliff Baker said that everyone was going crazy - but no one would listen to him.

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A Revolta do Robôt


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O Povoamento do Planeta Vênus
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14/07/2012 15:26:02
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14/05/2015 12:22:35