Anos de Treva e Luz

Anos de Treva e Luz Brian Aldiss


Anos de Treva e Luz (Coleção Urânia #5)

The Dark Light-Years

[Coleção URÂNIA - VOLUME 5] The Dark Light Years de Brian W. Aldiss (1964) — The encounter of humans with the utods, gentle aliens whose physical and mental health requires wallowing in mud and filth, who are not even recognised as intelligent by the humans. |...| What would intelligent life-forms on another planet look like? Would they walk upright? Would they wear clothes? Or would they be hulking creatures on six legs that wallow in their own excrement? Upon first contact with the Utod -- intelligent, pacifist beings who feel no pain -- mankind instantly views these aliens as animals because of their unhygienic customs. This leads to the slaughter, capture and dissection of the Utod. But when one explorer recognizes the intelligence behind their habits, he must reevaluate what it actually means to be "intelligent." |...| The human species has begun to racket about the galaxy. When they reach the planet Grudgrodd, they come across another space-faring species. It's a case of instant dislike. The gentle Utods do not feel pain, they change sex as the planet changes suns, they live long pleasurable lives, free of stress. They wallow in their own middens. But 'Civilization is the distance man has placed between himself and his excreta'.' So the carnage begins...

Aventura / Drama / Ficção científica / Filosofia / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Anos de Treva e Luz


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on 26/8/14

“... Ainson, de coração, fez um gesto de reconhecimento para eles, mas não obteve nenhuma reação perceptível. ...” Pág.: 56 5º período Anos de treva e luz) (The Dark Light-Years) Brian W. Aldiss. Uma nave terrestre depois de uma extensa exploração em um novo planeta sem encontrar nenhuma vida e, pouco antes de retornar esbarra, chafurdando na lama e em seus próprios excrementos, com seres que lembravam em sua aparência a rinocerontes. No encontro, quatro deles são mortos e do... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 2
ranking 33
ranking 67
ranking 0
ranking 0
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
13/06/2014 17:35:53
editou em:
02/11/2016 02:13:09