Roxy Sloane

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| Local: EUA - Califórnia - Los Angeles

So here is what it says about me on Amazon…

“Roxy Sloane is a romance junkie with a dirty mind. She lives in Los Angeles with her hot ex-military hubby and her two kids. She loves writing sexy, complex stories about pushing the boundaries and risking it all.”

But since you are here, at…

Ms. Sloane isn’t very formal, and she doesn’t like to write about herself in the third person.

Hi, it’s me Roxy!

You’re here because you’re wondering “Who is Roxy Sloane? Who writes those sexy, fast-paced erotic stories featuring dirty talking alphas, billionaires and doms, that I love so much?” At least that that’s why I hope you’re here.

You know I’m an LA Girl, a reader, a writer, a lover, a fighter… 😛

But to paraphrase the Talking Heads: You may ask yourself, Well…How did she get here?

First and foremost, I am a reader. It’s my love for reading that made me want to create books that satisfied my own desires. When I was a teenager, my mother had a bookstore and I would hang there every day after school.

I’d drop my backpack off and jaywalk to the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Without a thought, I’d order an Ice-Blended Mocha and sip it as I read a book. Then one day (you know how it goes), a really cute barista started working there and I started having a LOT of thoughts every time I got a coffee… Frap my chino, Foam my Latte, Café O’Lay baby! Well now you know where my books come from — writer’s fantasies. That and research…

One of the great pleasures of writing romances is that I can now refer to my teenage experiences of making out at Inn and Out, and my other *ahem* adventures, as research. And with this “research”, I gained experience. And from experience, I gained wisdom. And with this wisdom, I learned to create really naughty stories that I hope make you hot. My wish for you is to enjoy each and every climax… I know I do.

Are you still reading this? Well, now you know all about me, it’s your turn. Come say Hi, and let me know what makes you hot, or what you’re reading, or let’s just hang out.

Love, Roxy

Jovem adulto
Literatura Estrangeira
Romance policial

Livros publicados por Roxy Sloane (14) ver mais
    Tease Me
    Tempt Me
    The Scene
    The Scene
    The Scene

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