Raymond Smullyan


Raymond Smullyan

Raymond Merrill Smullyan

3 avaliações

Nascimento: 25/05/1919 - 06/02/2017 | Local: Estados Unidos - Nova York - Nova York

Although he was born, raised and educated in the West, an examination of Raymond's life, philosophy and works embody the essence and meaning of the term, “Zen Master.”

Raymond has had a remarkably diverse sequence of careers. Fellow polymath Martin Gardner, former editor of Scientific American, has aptly described him as a “unique set of personalities that includes a philosopher, logician, mathematician, musician, writer and maker of marvelous puzzles.”

Born in 1919 in Far Rockaway, New York, Raymond’s first love was music. After winning the gold medal for the piano in the 1931 New York Music Week Association competition, he decided to make the piano his principal instrument.

Raymond's first teaching position was at Roosevelt College in Chicago, where he taught piano. At about that time he unfortunately developed tendonitis in his right arm forcing him to abandon piano performances as his primary career. As a result of this he turned his attention to mathematics, which he equally loved. He had learned most of this on his own, with very little formal education at the time. He then took a few advanced courses at the University of Chicago, and supported himself at the time as a professional magician! Curiously enough, before he had a college degree, or even a high school diploma, he received an appointment as a mathematics instructor at Dartmouth College on the basis of some brilliant papers he had written on mathematical logic.

After teaching at Dartmouth College for two years, the University of Chicago gave him a Bachelor of Arts degree, based partly on courses he had never taken, but had successfully taught. He then went to Princeton University for his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1959.

Raymond is now internationally known as a mathematical logician, having published six books and over forty research papers in the field. He is equally well known worldwide as a writer, having authored over twenty books, many of which have been translated into seventeen languages. His writings cover an amazing variety of subjects: Chinese Taoism; the psychology of religious and mystical consciousness; philosophical fantasies; recreational logic puzzles designed to introduce the general reader to deep results in mathematics; retrograde chess problems encapsulated into Sherlock Holmes and Arabian Nights stories; stereo photography; and, essays on various aspects of life.

Now retired as a distinguished professor of philosophy from Indiana University, Raymond resides in the beautiful upper region of the Catskill Mountains and has returned to music as one of his principal activities.

Raymond truly has the wisdom of a Zen Master and sage; the artistry and finesse of a musician and magician; the heart, creativity and eloquence of a poet; the insight and analytical skills of a logician and mathematician; and the wonder of a wizard.


Quebra-Cabeças Lógicos

Livros publicados por Raymond Smullyan (10) ver mais
    What Is the Name of This Book?
    Lógica de Primeira Ordem
    Logical Labyrinths
    A Dama ou o  Tigre?
    Who Knows?
    Alice no País dos Enigmas

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