Fundação: O Triunfo

Fundação: O Triunfo David Brin


Fundação: O Triunfo (Colecção Nébula #86)

Foundation's Triumph

Com "Fundação: O Triunfo" (1999), David Brin conclui a "Trilogia da Segunda Fundação", um fascinante contributo para a série clássica de Asimov, realizada por três dos autores da Ficção Científica mais aplaudidos da atualidade.

|...| 'O moribundo Hari Seldon completa a obra da sua vida: o ancião acabava de registrar as mensagens para o Cofre do Tempo da Primeira Fundação. O Plano Seldon da Psico-História é assim liberado, impulsionado pela pesada cinética do Destino... Mãos mais jovens se ocuparão agora da tarefa: Wanda Seldon e Stettin Palver governarão a Segunda Fundação.

Será menos uma comunidade de enciclopedistas e cientistas-matemáticos que de Psíquicos. Seldon sabe que nem a Primeira nem a Segunda Fundação poderão apresentar soluções definitivas. O plano de Seldon tem três resultados possíveis. Nenhum deles o entusiasma, mas consola-se com a ideia de que qualquer dos três é melhor que o Caos que teria imperado na Galáxia sem o desenvolvimento e aplicação de Psico-História...

[Sobre o Autor] David Brin é o festejado autor de doze novelas e duas colecções de contos, vencedor do prémio Hugo e Nébula. É doutorado em astrofísica e foi consultor da NASA e professor de física a nível superior.

Foundation's Triumph (Second Foundation Trilogy #3) '-' Isaac Asimov's 1951-53 Foundation trilogy is a rough-hewn classic of far future SF, honored with a unique 1965 for Best All-Time Series. It begins with "psychohistorian" Hari Seldon mapping the best possible course for humanity's next millennium, after the fall of the doomed Galactic Empire. Late in life Asimov revisited the series and awkwardly linked it with his popular robot stories--introducing vast conspiracy theories to explain the Empire's total lack of visible robots...

The Second Foundation Trilogy begins with Gregory Benford's Foundation's Fear, telling the origins of Hari Seldon, the Foundation's creator. Greg Bear's Foundation and Chaos relates the epic tale of Seldon's downfall and the first stirrings of robotic rebellion. Now, in David Brin's Foundation's Triumph, Seldon is about to escape exile and risk everything for one final quest-a search for knowledge and the power it bestows. The outcome of this final journey may secure humankind's future-or witness its final downfall.

"Will there be an Encyclopedia Galactica a thousand years from now," asks Hari Seldon, betting that if his belief is correct, there will be regularly updated editions of it. Since most Foundation novels use the Encyclopedia as a framing device for its chapters, this implies that Seldon correctly predicted the successful synthesis of the two Foundations and Galaxia.

[From Publishers Weekly]: 'Near the end of his life's work, an aging Hari Seldon embarks on one final adventure that may reveal to him the ultimate secrets necessary to the unfolding of his grand plan for the future. Veteran SF Author David Brin (The Postman, 1985) combines a sense of completion with one of several possible new beginnings in his conclusion of a new trilogy set in the world made popular by the late Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" and "Robot" novels '.'

|...| Hari Seldon escapes house arrest on Trantor to investigate what is sowing chaos in the galaxy so quickly that it threatens the downfall of civilization. Rebels from the "chaos worlds" oppose him, robots, and the empire, and R. Daneel Olivaw, the Immortal Servant, is trying to prevent a civil war between the Giskardian robots, who are willing to harm individual humans in the long-term interests of all humanity, and the Calvinians, who remain loyal to the famous old three laws of robotics. R. Daneel and Seldon finally meet on a ravaged, primitive Earth, which recalls Asimov's charming Pebble in the Sky, and agree that the robots likely will evolve into an independent race while protecting humans from their own weaknesses --["Galaxia", a new galactic integrated intelligence that will safeguard human survival forever! Among the problems facing R. Daneel Olivaw are chaos viruses that drive entire planets to madness, cyborgs, wars among robots, elusive pirate captains, and cunning aristocrats!]---Booklist.

Aventura / Crônicas / Ficção científica / História / Romance / Sociologia / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Fundação: O Triunfo


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22/06/2016 06:10:04
editou em:
22/06/2016 22:56:53