Instant Attraction (Wilder Book 1) (English Edition)

Instant Attraction (Wilder Book 1) (English Edition) Jill Shalvis


Instant Attraction (Wilder Book 1) (English Edition) (The Wilder Series #01)

The first in a sensational new series, Jill Shalvis introduces Cameron, Stone, and T.J. Wilder--three bad-boy heroes who effortlessly mix breathtaking adventure and scorching sex appeal. . .
Get Wild. . .And Then Get Wilder. . .

Accountant Katie Kramer is a quintessential good girl--working hard, recycling diligently, all the while trying to ignore the feeling that she doesn't fit in anywhere. That's all she wants. Well, that--and amazing sex, and the kind of daredevil escapade she can look back on when she's crunching numbers in a dusty cubicle. Which explains why she just took a job in Wishful, California, working for Wilder Adventures and Expeditions. Waking up to find a magnificently built stranger towering over her bed--that part defies explanation. . . After wandering the planet for months following a life-changing accident, Cameron Wilder has come back to the only home he knows. Under other circumstances, he might be thrilled to find a gorgeous woman sleeping in his cabin, but now, while he'll risk his body taking clients on adrenaline-drenched excursions, his heart is off limits. Still, Katie's killer smile triggers something deep in his gut. . .among other places. Showing her how exhilarating it can be to stop balancing her life as if it was a checkbook is the biggest rush he's ever felt--and an adventure Katie's wishing would never end...


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Seja selvagem. . .E então fique mais selvagem. .
on 6/4/24

Seja selvagem. . .E então fique mais selvagem. . . A contadora Katie Kramer é uma boa garota por excelência – trabalhando duro, reciclando diligentemente, ao mesmo tempo tentando ignorar a sensação de que ela não se encaixa em lugar nenhum. Isso é tudo que ela quer. Bem, isso - e sexo incrível, e o tipo de aventura ousada que ela pode recordar quando está calculando números em um cubículo empoeirado. O que explica por que ela acabou de conseguir um emprego em Wishful, Califórnia, ... leia mais


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