Jog On

Jog On Bella Mackie


Jog On

How Running Saved My Life

Divorced and struggling with deep-rooted mental health problems, Bella Mackie ended her twenties in tears. She could barely find the strength to get off the sofa, let alone piece her life back together. Until one day she did something she had never done of her own free will – she pulled on a pair of trainers and went for a run.

That first attempt didn't last very long. But to her surprise, she was back out there the next day. And the day after that. She began to set herself achievable goals – to run 5k in under 30 minutes, to walk to work every day for a week, to attempt 10 push-ups in a row. Before she knew it, her mood was lifting for the first time in years.

In Jog On, Bella explains with hilarious and unfiltered honesty how she used running to battle crippling anxiety and depression, without having to sacrifice her main loves: booze, cigarettes and ice cream. With the help of a supporting cast of doctors, psychologists, sportspeople and friends, she shares a wealth of inspirational stories, research and tips that show how exercise often can be the best medicine. This funny, moving and motivational book will encourage you to say ‘jog on’ to your problems and get your life back on track – no matter how small those first steps may be.

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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Corra para ser feliz
Jog On


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Resenhas para Jog On (7)

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on 9/9/20

O livro é interessante, mas acabei travando em alguns momentos. A leitura tende a ser boa, mas muitas vezes a autora utiliza dados de pesquisas e artigos científicos para falar sobre depressão, ansiedade e a importância dos exercícios físicos. O recurso foi tão usado quebrou um pouco a narrativa. O livro é mais fluido quando as experiências da própria Bella Mackie são utilizadas. Os relatos a respeito da luta dela contra a ansiedade e a depressão foram ricos o bastante para que o leito... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 39
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cadastrou em:
05/03/2022 22:51:42
editou em:
05/03/2022 22:52:06