Game for Anything

Game for Anything Bella Andre


Game for Anything (Bad Boys of Football #1)

He’s the Super Bowl hero men idolize and women lust after, the bad-boy quarterback with a dangerous edge. But behind his devil-may-care grin, Ty Calhoun hides a desire that only one woman can ever fulfill—and a memory he can’t shake: high school graduation night, and mind-blowing sex with the untouchable girl of his dreams. He’d trade every trophy to feel the heat of her sensual, uninhibited passion once more. And he may get that chance—because she’s just been hired by the San Francisco Outlaws’ new owner to make over Ty’s reputation.

The country’s top image consultant, Julie Spencer is a total pro at cleaning up the messes of the rich and famous. Even working with the man who took her virginity and broke her heart ten years ago can’t rattle her. Until he touches her again. One hot kiss is all it takes to spark the same knee-quaking electricity, and soon they’re mixing business and extreme pleasure. Knowing the danger Ty poses to her heart, though, Julie’s determined to keep her distance.

But Ty has a game plan of his own. The more he misbehaves, the more Julie will have to keep tabs on him—and the more he can show his dream girl just how fun it is to be bad. This time around, he’s game for anything…especially winning her heart.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (2)

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Game for Anything
Game for Anything


(2) ver mais
Game For Seduction
Game For Love

Resenhas para Game for Anything (3)

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on 30/10/13

Alguns amantes jogam seguro... Outros ARRISCAM TUDO. Ele é o herói do Super Bowl que os homens idolatram, e as mulheres cobiçam... O zagueiro com jeito de garoto rebelde, e uma vantagem perigosa. Mas, por trás de seu sorriso quase diabólico e totalmente despreocupado, Ty Calhoun esconde um desejo que só uma mulher pode satisfazer — e uma lembrança que ele não pode se livrar: a noite de formatura no segundo grau... E o alucinante sexo com a garota intocável de seus sonhos. Ele... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 310
ranking 27
ranking 32
ranking 34
ranking 5
ranking 2



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09/08/2020 16:58:34
editou em:
09/08/2020 16:59:06