Law Man

Law Man Kristen Ashley


Law Man (Dream Man #3)

Four years ago, Mitch Lawson moved across the breezeway from Mara Hanover and she fell in love with the tall, good-looking police detective who had an uncanny ability to dress well even though he’s single. It was not a stalker kind of love; she knows she has no hope since Mitch is way out of her league. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s her dream man.

Then one day Mara’s faucet won’t turn off and she knows nothing about plumbing. Being a good guy, Mitch offers to help then he invites himself over for pizza. Mara gives it a go but finds herself running away from him (literally) on their first date, standing him up their second and then she runs into him (again literally) on her way to save her ne’er do well, criminal cousin’s kids who’d just run away from their ne’er do well, criminal Dad.

Suddenly, Mara finds she has on her hands the guardianship of two kids and a gorgeous police detective who’s willing to do anything to help out… including giving fabulous foot rubs.

But Mara knows who she is and where she came from and she knows Detective Mitch Lawson is better than her. Hot law man Mitch disagrees and his challenge is to convince Mara to let go of her past and he sets about building a family at the same time he finds he also needs to protect them all against known and unknown adversaries that would tear them apart.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Law Man
Law Man


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Resenhas para Law Man (7)

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on 9/1/13

Mais um acerto acertadíssimo da Kristen Ashely!!!!!! Maravilhoso - tirando o vai não vai da Mara, né?! - com tudo que temos direito. Mitch, detetive gostosíssimo, super alpha protetor; Mara, mocinha sofrida, que deu a volta por cima na vida, mas vive assombrada pelos traumas do passado; cenas hots muito bem escritas; crianças lindas que precisam de proteção e família; ação; sequestros, resgates emocionantes; a volta de Gwen, Hawk e a louca da Elvira do igualmente - ou mais - maravilho... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 299
ranking 43
ranking 35
ranking 16
ranking 2
ranking 3



cadastrou em:
13/06/2012 19:38:21
editou em:
11/12/2016 18:23:37