House of Earth and Blood

House of Earth and Blood Sarah J. Maas


House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City #1)

Think Game of Thrones meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a drizzle of E.L. James - Telegraph

Perfect for fans of Jessica Jones and True Blood, this is a blockbuster modern fantasy set in a divided world where one woman must uncover the truth to seek her revenge. 

Half-Fae, half-human Bryce Quinlan loves her life. Every night is a party and Bryce is going to savour all the pleasures Lunathion – also known as Crescent City – has to offer. But then a brutal murder shakes the very foundations of the city, and brings Bryce's world crashing down.
Two years later, Bryce still haunts the city's most notorious nightclubs – but seeking only oblivion now. Then the murderer attacks again. And when an infamous Fallen angel, Hunt Athalar, is assigned to watch her every footstep, Bryce knows she can't forget any longer.
As Bryce and Hunt fight to unravel the mystery, and their own dark pasts, the threads they tug ripple through the underbelly of the city, across warring continents, and down to the deepest levels of Hel, where things that have been sleeping for millennia are beginning to stir ...
With unforgettable characters and page-turning suspense, this richly inventive new fantasy series by #1 New York Timesbestselling author Sarah J. Maas delves into the heartache of loss, the price of freedom – and the power of love.

Erótico / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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House of Earth and Blood
House of Earth and Blood
House of Earth and Blood


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Resenhas para House of Earth and Blood (392)

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Tinha tudo para ser épico, mas foi sem graça!
on 24/6/22

Eu li esse livro em 2020 e nesse ano decidi fazer a releitura porque o segundo livro da série tem conexões com o universo de Acotar (que ainda não está finalizada). Faz mais de 4 anos que leio os livros da SJM e pela primeira vez não consegui sentir conexão com nenhum dos personagens dela. Os novos livros são uma compilação de enredo e de romances anteriores da autora... não sei como as pessoas não percebem essa reciclagem ou fingem não perceber. As mesmas frases, personalidades, tr... leia mais

Vídeos House of Earth and Blood (2)

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CASA DE TERRA E SANGUE (Cidade da Lua Crescente #1)

CASA DE TERRA E SANGUE (Cidade da Lua Crescen


Avaliações 4.5 / 2.066
ranking 73
ranking 20
ranking 5
ranking 1
ranking 0



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