Keeping 13

Keeping 13 Chloe Walsh


Keeping 13 (The Boys of Tommen #2)

Epic, emotional and addictive romance from the TikTok phenomenon

Falling in love was the easy part. What comes next is the test . . .

Following a devastating injury that has left him sidelined and stripped of his beloved number 13 jersey, Johnny Kavanagh is struggling to hold onto his dreams. Lost, insecure, and desperately seeking comfort, he sets his sights on unravelling the mystery of the girl with the midnight-blue eyes, who haunts his every waking hour.

Keeping secrets has never been a problem for Shannon Lynch. The life she was born into demands nothing less. She knows that demons and evil men don't just exist in fairytales. They exist in her world, too. Traumatized beyond repair after her return from Dublin, and desperate to protect her little brothers, Shannon finds herself falling into the same old cover-up, barely keeping her head above water, as her future unravels before her eyes. Beaten and broken, her walls are up and her trust is shaken.

Only one boy has the ability to climb those walls. The boy who owns her heart. But secrets are about to be exposed and lives could be changed forever - can Johnny and Shannon's love survive?

Want more of Johnny, Shannon and the rest of The Boys of Tommen? Read the rest of the series so far:
Binding 13
Keeping 13
Saving 6
Redeeming 6


Edições (3)

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Keeping 13
Keeping 13 (Boys of Tommen Book 2)
Keeping 13


(7) ver mais
Waiting game
Truth game
Saving 6
Redeeming 6

Resenhas para Keeping 13 (352)

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"I love you. A crazy fucking amount."
on 15/6/22

Eu não gosto muito mais de escrever resenhas, tanto que essa nem vai ser uma resenha crítica nem nada, eu só realmente precisava expressar meu amor por esse casal, por essa história, por essa autora, por essas personagens incríveis, eu nem sei por onde começar. Primeiramente, Shannon like the river Lynch; ela tem todo meu coração, e eu espero que ela nunca me dê ele de volta. Sou 150% apaixonada por ela, o desenvolvimento dela desde o primeiro livro até o final desse foi a coisa mais ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.5 / 2.436
ranking 69
ranking 25
ranking 6
ranking 1
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
12/06/2023 21:12:23
editou em:
12/06/2023 21:20:17