History of Men

History of Men's Magazines Vol. 1 Dian Hanson


History of Men's Magazines Vol. 1

Volume 1: 1900 to Post-WWII

In 460 full-color pages you’ll learn how the first magazines appeared around 1900 in France, Germany and the US. Then follow along through the timid teens, the decadent twenties, the desperate thirties through the war and reconstruction. Covered in Volume 1 are men’s magazines masquerading as movie magazines, humor magazines, detective magazines, art magazines, nudist magazines, and 'spicy' fiction, as well as items like the Tijuana Bibles that pretended nothing and made no excuses. This volume is an instant collectable all on its own, and a must have to complete the six volume set of Dian Hanson’s - The History of Men’s Magazines.

-> Do site da Taschen:

"Separation is great, as long as the separation is of my thighs." —Adults Only

Open your notebooks, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a history lesson like none you`ve ever experienced. You`re about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men`s magazines—not magazines about sports, not fashion, not hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse in ten easy steps, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject dearest to all heterosexual men`s hearts and other body parts: the undraped female form. Former men`s magazine editor Dian Hanson traces its development from 1900 to 1980 in six massive and informative volumes.

In 460 full-color pages you`ll learn how the first magazines appeared around 1900 in France, Germany and the US. Then follow along through the timid teens, the decadent twenties, the desperate thirties through the war and reconstruction. Covered in Volume 1 are men`s magazines masquerading as movie magazines, humor magazines, detective magazines, art magazines, nudist magazines, and "spicy" fiction, as well as items like the Tijuana Bibles that pretended nothing and made no excuses.

This hardcover volume is a fascinating instant collectable all on its own, and a must have to complete the six volume set of Dian Hanson`s: The History of Men`s Magazines.

About the author:

Dian Hanson was born in Seattle in 1951. For 25 years she produced various men’s magazines, including Puritan, Juggs and Leg Show, before becoming TASCHEN's sexy book editor in 2001. Her many books for TASCHEN include The Big Penis Book, The Big Book of Legs and Bob’s World. She lives in Los Angeles.

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History of Men



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Arthur Rimbaud
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08/03/2010 21:59:53