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A+X, Vol. 3

A+X, Vol. 3
OutstandingGerry Duggan, Kevin Nowlan, David Yardin, Jeff Loveness, Paco Diaz, ............
Ano:2014 / Páginas:136
9780785190110 | Marvel Comics | 1 leitores

Batman: Black & White #1

DC Comics | 1 leitores

O Espetacular Homem-Aranha: Corrente

9786555121346 | Panini | 57 leitores

DC Cybernetic Summer

DC Cybernetic Summer (volume 1)
Batman in "The Limits of Control" / Wonder Woman & Platinum in "Fandom" / Red Tornado in "Summer Camp" / Booster Gold & Blue Beetle in "The Boys of Summer" / The Flash in "The Speedster Games" / Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes in "Summer Lovin'" / MCorinna Bechko, Gabriel Hardman, Mike Spicer, Bilquis Evely, Andrew Constant. Nicola Scott, .....................................................................
Ano:2020 / Páginas:80
DC Comics | 1 leitores


DC's Crimes of Passion #01 (volume 1)
Batman: "More Than Maybe" / Wildcat: "Pulling Punches" / Pied Piper: "Secret Admirer" / Green Arrow/Black Canary: "The Crimson Bomber" / Plastic Man: "The Prettiest Thing" / Batwoman: "Out of the Past" / Slam Bradley: "One Last Dance" / Nightwing/Batgirl:Steve Orlando, Greg Smallwood, Clem Robins, Stephanie Phillips, Riley Rossmo, .........................................................................................................
Ano:2020 / Páginas:84
DC Comics | 2 leitores

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