The Last Husband

The Last Husband J.S. Cooper / Helen Cooper

PDF - The Last Husband

Lucky wanted a guy to be her last boyfriend but she never counted on love not being enough.

Lucky Morgan fantasized about the hot guy from her diner for months. And when he offered her a dream job, she jumped at the chance to get to know him better.

Zane Beaumont was skeptical about love and guarded his heart. Even though he was falling for Lucky, he was still scared to fully let go.

Lucky didn't want Zane to date any other girls but he knew that there were certain things he had to do to honor his brothers memory. And there was nothing more important to him than that.

Both of their lives are turned upside down by some unexpected news and Lucky has to decide, once and for all, if Zane is the guy she wants to spend her forever with.

The Last Husband

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Lucky Morgan desistiu de suas regras de namoro por Zane Beaumont e permitiu-lhe varrê-la fora de seus pés, embora ele realmente não acredite no amor. No entanto, conforme o relacionamento progride, Lucky percebe que Zane não é o homem que ela pensava que era. Zane Beaumont passou os últimos meses tentando ignorar o sorriso de Lucky e tentando se vingar de Braydon Eagle. Zane não vai parar por nada até derrubar o homem que é o responsável pela morte de seu irmão, mesmo que isso sig...