Três Espíritos do Natal

Três Espíritos do Natal Charles Dickens

PDF - Três Espíritos do Natal

A obra imortal de Charles Dickens.

A avassaladora experiência de um homem que aprendeu a fazer de todos os dias do ano o dia de Natal. |...| ==[Storyline]== "In 1860, the stingy and cranky Ebenezer Scrooge that hates Christmas; loathes people and defends the decrease of the surplus of poor population runs his bank exploiting his employee Bob Cratchit and clients, giving a bitter treatment to his own nephew and acquaintances. However, in the Christmas Eve, he is visited by the doomed ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley that tells him that three spirits would visit him that night. The first one, the spirit of past Christmas, recalls his miserable youth when he lost his only love due to his greed; the spirit of the present Christmas shows him the poor situation of Bob's family and how joyful life may be; and the spirit of future Christmas shows his fate. Scrooge finds that life is good and time is too short and suddenly you are not there anymore, changing his behavior toward Christmas, Bob, his nephew and people in general".
[Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at].

Três Espíritos do Natal

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Muito gostosinho de ler e bastante reflexivo, vale demais a experiência de leitura durante o Natal. Passei o livro inteiro lembrando do filme da Barbie e agora já quero reassistir ?? "Os caminhos humanos fazem prever seus próprios destinos. E todos aqueles que continuam nesses caminhos, acabam por alcançá-los. Mas se decidirem mudar de caminho, esse destino também mudará."...