Lethal Rider

Lethal Rider Larissa Ione / Sydney Croft

Resenhas - Lethal Rider

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Tia ð 24/07/2023

Bom, esse livro foi bem melhor que o anterior, mas com um pequeno probleminha, algumas partes definitivamente foram corridas, e eu ficava com cara de ué, rsrsrs, mas mesmo assim, tudo foi bem superior ao livro da limus.
Regan e thanatos foram tão lindos, mesmo ela me irritando uma boa parte do livro, o jeito dela com ele, e ele se abrindo cada vez mais foi lindo de ver.
A autora deixa bem claro que ela mata personagens secundários a vontade e nesse livro não foi diferente, e fiquei surpresa com o destino de Peste "Reseph", vai ser bem interessante ver como será o desenvolvimento do livro dele.
E Reaver, Ah não tadinho, sofrer de novo não.....
E final foi um quentinho no coração, e eu adoro como a Tayla foi escanteada kkkkkkkk, como não gosto dela nem sinto falta hehehe

Strecht 01/09/2015

Melhor que o anterior, este deixou aquele gostinho de quero mais, assim que aqui vou para o 4 volume da série. Confesso que adorei o estilo da autora, com uma narrativa estilo série, onde tudo acontece ao mesmo tempo não existe uma separação óbvia das histórias elas são a continuação umas das outras, com eventos a acontecer agora que determinam livros mais à frente....assim que ler fora de ordem não vai ser nada fácil....
pontos à autora por não esquecer os anteriores protagonistas e por conseguir manter o suspense sobre o que vem a seguir. Mas vamos ao livro....gostei da ambientação que não difere mt de outros livros de fantástico, em termos cénicos a autora não dá mt ênfase, procura mais investir na descrição emocional das personagens e o enredo central até que é bem construído. Eu confesso que acabei por ler este livro pq no livro da Limos já se dá inicio ao relacionamento do Thanatos com a Regan e já se fica a saber que ela ficou grávida dele assim que prometia e cumpriu....Thanatos é o 3 cavaleiro do apocalipse, mais conhecido por morte, para mim o mais intenso de todos eles...no livro da Limos nós somos confrontados com Regan uma agente aegis ( uma 007 do mundo sobrenatural) a quem é pedido que seduza Thanatos a fim de engravidar dele, uma vez que segundo uma profecia, essa criança poderá salvar o mundo e evitar que os selos dos cavaleiros sejam quebrados e o caos comece na terra. Ainda em Limos vemos todo o clima de tensão sexual que os 2 vivem....e terminamos percebendo q Tanathos era virgem uma vez que acreditava que esse era o seu selo....no meio do caos q se levanta Regan foge e Than é posto para dormir pelos irmãos a fim de acalmar as coisas.... este livro começa precisamente com o despertar de Than para encontrar uma Regan gravida de 8 meses, uma Regan que ele odeia, mas que ao mesmo tempo deseja....pensei que ia levar com a tipica historia do quero não quero, mas estou morrendo por, mas não, a relação deles lá vai crescendo, bem fundamentada e bem ambientada, pelo meio as lutas, os seres e as restantes histórias continuam....o livro é mt bem recheado, a narrativa é mt fluída, cheia de acontecimentos, nunca monótona, mais do que pela história do casal, o livro vale pela história global....

Kah 17/05/2012

read complete review here: http://notjustnonsense.blogspot.com/2012/05/early-review-lethal-rider-lords-of.html

Guardian Regan Matthews is pregnant and almost ready to deliver. Normally women in her situation would be thrilled, counting the minutes and preparing everything for the new arrival... but hers is a quite different situation.

First of all, her baby was conceived in a very unorthodox way, one that made the father-to-be freak out and decide to kill her. So now she's in hiding and he's in an induced 'coma' of sorts, thanks to his siblings. A very strange situation, indeed. But it gets weirder. How? Well, the father is Thanatos, the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse. A.k.a Death, if his Seal breaks.

And in Thanatos' mind, Regan, an OCD Aegis Guardian and psychometric empath with other gifts, has tried to purposefully break his Seal. After drugging him with an aphrodisiac and trapping him in his own body with one of her abilities. Practically 'raping' him to end the world. Even if he did enjoy it immensely and wants to do it again, he's still majorly pissed off and wanted to kill her. Until he found out she was pregnant with his baby, of course. He did get pissed off all over again when she told him they wouldn't be raising the baby.

Regan feels terrible for what happened that day. She really regrets it, but she was drugged as well, by one of Than's vampires, and didn't notice that Thanatos was 'restrained' by her powers at all. She also was not aware that there was a possibility os his Seal breaking and releasing the Apocalypse on Earth. As a matter of fact, she was made to believe quite the contrary. And now she's knocked up by a very, very mad Horseman. Very hot, too. Who wants her to make up for the eight months in which he was trapped by his siblings so as not to kill many people with his rage. And he wants her to make up for this time sexually. While they try to understand each other, his brother, whose Seal broke and is now known as Pestilence, is wreaking havoc all around the world. And he wants to kill his baby.

Oh, man. I've been waiting patiently to read this gem for months now!!! Thanatos is the perfect example of the wounded, flawed hero. And super hot and damaged. How can a girl not go crazy over that?

It was kind weird to read about a man going on about how his virginity/his seed/his innocence were stolen, though. You usually expect a heroine to whine about that kind of thing. LOL. But it was completely understandable. He wasn't overly whiny about it, thankfully. Just indignant for a while. Then things became much more interesting.

Larissa Ione always manages to surprise me with the depth of her characters and the twists in all of her plots. When you finally think you're getting something... everything changes. LOL. It should be frustrating, but it's really refreshing. Thanatos has been my favorite character ever since the first book in the series, so I was in absolute heaven just reading more and more about him. He suffered so much... it felt good to see him finally find some happiness.

Also, her angels are very different from what we are used to expect from angels, so that, too, is quite fascinating to read about. No perfect little goody-shoes in these books. They are good, of course, but even they are not perfect... and even their goodness can go bad. LOL.

But I particularly want to see more of Harvester. She gives me very mixed feelings. Oh, and I'm dying to know what really went on in Reaper's past. And what awaits him in the future... The curiosity is burning me up!

Not to mention that I want to see more of Reseph/Pestilence. Like, right NOW. You are killing me, Mrs. Ione!!! In a good way, obviously. Sort of. LOL. That first chapter only served to make me squirm! December, come quick. :X

If you don't mind some spoilers, check out the synopsis for Rogue Rider. It sounds like it will be out-of-this-world good. :)

* I received an eARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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