
Monster Jessica Gadziala

Resenhas - Monster

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De. 24/09/2019

Bryan Breaker e Alex Miller
Monster Savage #1
Breaker meu amor ♥♥

Breaker é um homem do crime, ele é pago para alguns serviços sujos, Breaker esta bem com isso e com a forma que vive afinal foi escolha dele, e sabe que a vida no crime nunca é fácil e nunca lhe dá garantia, mas no meio da sua vida sem regras ele tem uma! NUNCA trabalha para prejudicar mulheres, até aquele dia! O pior homem do crime da cidade de Navesink Bank, lhe dá um serviço e ao mesmo tempo uma ameaça, pois Lex está com alguem importante para Breaker e isso o obriga a trabalhar para aquele imbecil.

Alex Miller, uma jovem hacker, que desde os seus 16 anos de idade vive para destruir a vida do homem (Lex Keith) que destruiu quem ela mais amava no mundo, Alex criou um arsenal de informações sobre este homem terrível, mas não esperou por um dia como aquele, ser sequestrada não estava em seus planos muitos menos por um cara tão lindo.

Breaker nunca quis tanto proteger alguém como quer proteger Alex, principalmente por ela ser inocente, jovem, linda e sua! Sim sua garota, ele não tentou esconder isso da sua mente, pois ela tinha apenas ele para lhe dar a oportunidade de mostrar um mundo além de vingança, e ele não iria perder tempo em negação ao sentimento, AHH BREAKER

Um livro lindo e maravilhoso, sobre 2 pessoas que vivem em função de outros fatores e sem viver sentimento plenos, Breaker calejado pela dor, Alex vive em uma fortaleza impenetrável dada pela vingança. Vamos ver duas pessoas que se encontram onde uma tenta invadir a cidade fortalecida da outra e esta terá que desativar os alarmes e baixar os muros. Amei ver o quanto Breaker mesmo sendo um Monster no crime, para Alex ele era o cara que trazia cor para a vida dela, neste livro é o homem que salva a mulher quebrada, e é a coisa mais linda do mundo!!! Alex claro fica com tantos receios, mas Breaker sabe como agir sem assusta-la.

Temos tambem Shooter e Paige amigos de Breaker, que trará um vinculo lindo entre eles principalmente Shooter e Breaker ( Shooter tem um livro tambem Killer Savage #2 e Paige Savior Sevage #3 que fazem parte da trilogia).

Um livro lindo, que aborda assuntos sobre alcoolismo, suicídio, agressão contra mulheres, mas também de amizade, fidelidade, empatia.
Monster vai nos dar uma introdução a historia de:
Cash (The Henchmen MC #2) Wolf (The Henchmen MC #3) e Shooter (Killer Savage #2)


Suk 29/10/2020

O livro tinha tudo pra ser bom.. Personagens com química, personalidade, diálogo fluido... Mais no meio do livro parece que a autora "cansou" da história, lançou um Foda se e escreveu tudo correndo e sem nexo... Frustrante!

Nice.Saints 01/02/2021

A Jessica não decepciona nos mocinhos e no enredo que nos deixa com o coração na mão! Apesar da vida difícil do Breaker e da Alex foi lindo ver o amor deles... ? Preciso ler essa trilogia dela!

Kt1984 13/10/2022

Esta é a sua típica história suja do Alfa Macho. Breaker é um cara durão contratado para sequestrar e persuadir Alex. Tem momentos interessantes e complementam a estória de Cash e Wolf. Disponível KU em inglês.

flaflozano 23/01/2019

A little taste
O quanto de sexo tem nesse livro : 4/5
Quão explícito é :4/5
Drama: 3/5
História : 4/5

I took a deep breath, breathing him in. The crisp, clean soap from his shower, the woodsy scent of his laundry detergent, and just... him.
"Shut up," I said softly, letting one of my arms wrap around the back of his neck. "We both lived through a meeting with Lex. If that isn't a reason to hug, then I don't know what is. And I mean... I haven't hugged anyone in years so just shut up and let me do it, okay?"
His chest jumped slightly against me and I knew he was chuckling silently. A few seconds later, one of his arms wrapped around my hips and pulled me tighter.
"I'm sorry I hit you," he said, his deep voice so full of regret that I felt my face nuzzle further into his neck, his beard tickling my cheek in the process.
I turned my face slightly, pressing my lips against his pulse. "Make it up to me," I suggested, biting into my lower lip, hoping he took the bait or I was pretty sure I would die of mortification.
Breaker's hand slid up my spine then slipped into my hair, curling into it slightly, and using it to pull me backward. I moved back and looked down to find him watching me with a raised brow. "Make it up to you?"
"Yep," I said, nodding, praying like hell my cheeks didn't break out into a blush. That would seriously kill the whole 'being in charge' vibe I was attempting.
"And how do you propose I do that?" he asked, giving me one of those eye-smiles of his.
"Use your imagination," I suggested, planting both my hands on his chest, enjoying the strong muscles beneath my palms.
"Imagination?" he asked, brow raising. "Why use that when I can use this?" he asked. Then before I could see his hand moving, it was between us, his finger tracing up my slick cleft and working firm, slow circles over my clit.
My entire body convulsed once, hard, at the contact as a strangled whimper forced its way out of my throat.
I swallowed hard, watching the satisfied smirk settle on his face. "I thought I was the one who was supposed to make the first move."
"Doll, you planted your sweet little ass on my lap wearin' just my t-shirt and no panties. I consider that a first move."
I couldn't argue with that logic.
Besides, his fingers were causing all kinds of chaos between my thighs. His finger changed pace or direction every time I felt the coiling inside tighten, threaten to unleash. On the forth time of him sensing the release and pulling away, my fist slammed down hard on his shoulder. "Damn it," I growled, sucking air into my lungs.
"More fun this way," he said, shrugging, a smile tugging at his lips.
"For you maybe," I said, lowering my eyes at him.
"You got complaints 'bout how I handle business?" he asked, sounding way too conceited for his own good.
"At this mome... fuck," I cried out, his finger sliding down and thrusting inside me, curling and scraping across the top wall, making my legs jump reflexively. "Oh my God," I choked, my hips raising up off of him slightly, giving him more access as his finger kept up its unrelenting exploration of my G-spot.
"What were you saying?" he asked, his voice a low grumbling sound.
"No... nothing," I said, my breathing coming out fast and shallow.
"Didn't think so," he said, watching my face as he drove me up. And I was going up. And it was strange and foreign and so consuming I felt like I was going to explode if I ever made it to the top. My hips started moving of their own intuition, stoking my desire and Breaker made a growling sound in his throat. "That's it, ride it. Come for me, baby," he urged, his thumb pressing down on my clit.
I wasn't wrong.
It was like an explosion.
Every muscle tensed. Every nerve ending fired. My breath hitched, hissing out his name as my sex pulsated hard around his finger in a seemingly endless wave. His finger kept working me through the whole thing, dragging it out until I wavered forward and collapsed against him.
His hand pressed in between my shoulder blades, holding me to him as I shivered through the aftershocks.
"Deep breaths, doll," he said quietly as I struggled to calm down the erratic strobe-like pull of my breath. "Christ, you come that hard from my fingers... just think of what it will be like when it's my tongue or my cock."
Some sort of sound escaped me, half moan, half objection.
I honestly couldn't even think of such a thing. I was barely holding it together from that orgasm. I couldn't imagine another one.
I was set.

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