The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones Alice Sebold

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Yasmin.d.Leon 19/09/2020

"My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973."

I just read that phrase before starting the book, and that was a mistake.

I usually don't like knowing too much about a book before I read it, but I learned that I must at least check genres.

So, this is a contemporary young adult drama, and I was fooled by this book's position in one of those "books you should read at least once" lists or something. When I read the title I thought about Kathy Reichs' books (all or almost all of them have the word bones in their titles), but it's really far from that, the similarities end in the premise (a girl murdered by a serial killer).

In conclusion, the lesson learned here is: read the complete description and check genres before you read a book.

Of course, books like this have their own audience, it's just not my cup of tea.

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