My Side of the Mountain

My Side of the Mountain Jean Craighead George


My Side of the Mountain

Every kid thinks about running away at one point or another; few get farther than the end of the block. Young Sam Gribley gets to the end of the block and keeps going--all the way to the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. There he sets up house in a huge hollowed-out tree, with a falcon and a weasel for companions and his wits as his tool for survival. In a spellbinding, touching, funny account, Sam learns to live off the land, and grows up a little in the process. Blizzards, hunters, loneliness, and fear all battle to drive Sam back to city life. But his desire for freedom, independence, and adventure is stronger. No reader will be immune to the compulsion to go right out and start whittling fishhooks and befriending raccoons.

Jean Craighead George, author of more than 80 children's books, including the Newbery Medal-winning Julie of the Wolves, created another prizewinner with My Side of the Mountain--a Newbery Honor Book, an ALA Notable Book, and a Hans Christian Andersen Award Honor Book. Astonishingly, she wrote its sequel, On the Far Side of the Mountain, 30 years later, and a decade after that penned the final book in the trilogy, Frightful's Mountain, told from the falcon's point of view. George has no doubt shaped generations of young readers with her outdoor adventures of the mind and spirit. (Ages 9 to 12) --Emilie Coulter

Aventura / Ficção / Jovem adulto

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My Side of the Mountain


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on 10/1/23

eu me forcei a terminar a leitura porque nada me interessava a ponto de querer ler e saber do final. comprei esse livro pensando que por ser um livro infantil seria tranquilo de ler em inglês, mas não me adaptei ao vocabulário porque era puramente uma descrição de coisas da montanha e instrumentos que o personagem principal usava e criava, ou seja, eu precisava pesquisar cada palavra ali e essa não era a minha intenção ao ler o livro. enfim, uma história curta mas repetitiva e maçante... leia mais


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06/10/2012 18:07:16