Spanish Short Stories for Beginners Book 1:

Spanish Short Stories for Beginners Book 1: Learn Like A Native


Spanish Short Stories for Beginners Book 1: (Learn Like A Native)

Over 100 Dialogues and Daily Used Phrases to Learn Spanish in Your Car. Have Fun & Grow Your Vocabul...

Want to learn Spanish the easiest and most exciting way possible? You came to the right place!

Learning a second language is a great mental exercise if you want to create new neural pathways in your brain, so you can stay quick and sharp. Plus, learning a widely spoken language – Spanish in particular – can open up a myriad of new opportunities for you in both life and work.

One great obstacle that English speakers face when learning Spanish is that they are in an environment where they can’t fully immerse themselves in the language learning process. And that’s why “Spanish Short Stories for Beginners” by Learn Like a Native is perfect for beginners like you!

“Spanish Short Stories for Beginners” harnesses the power of a great tale in fast-tracking your learning process. It has several uniquely structured Spanish-to-English short stories that are saturated with over 100 simple, easy-to-digest dialogues and daily used phrases, so you can seamlessly learn the language, even as you drive towards work!

In the stories within, you will see people speaking to each other, going through daily life situations, and using the most common, helpful words and phrases in Spanish.

Learn Like a Native crafted this book with beginners in mind. Here is where you will find simple yet stimulating Spanish language usage that is mostly in the present tense, so you will be able to effectively focus on dialogues and root verbs, as well as effortlessly understand and find patterns in subject-verb agreement.

Over the course of this fun & game-changing guide, beginners like you will:

Effortlessly learn basic Spanish with the help of cleverly structured short stories for beginners
Quickly absorb Spanish terms for possessing common everyday objects
Cleverly incorporate prepositions and common present tense verbs for any situation
Easily relay your emotions, questions, likes, and dislikes in Spanish anytime, anywhere
And so much more!

Forget about boring lectures on grammar and endless vocabulary lists. With the help of this book, English speakers like you can easily learn Spanish and immerse themselves in it without having to leave the country!

Línguas Estrangeiras

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Spanish Short Stories for Beginners Book 1:


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Spanish Short Stories for Beginners

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on 21/2/23

O livro pretende ser uma ajuda para iniciantes, mas tem uma tradução das histórias bem ruim do inglês pro espanhol, ao final de cada conto têm cinco perguntas, sendo que algumas respostas estão claramente erradas e a tradução literal de algumas palavras e ditados não faz sentido em espanhol. É quase um desserviço pra quem está começando a aprender a língua, pra quem já conhece pode valer só pelo exercício de leitura, mas pra isso existem livros muito melhores.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
20/12/2020 17:06:22
editou em:
20/02/2023 10:04:44