Star Wars: Betrayal

Star Wars: Betrayal Aaron Allston


Star Wars: Betrayal

Legacy of the Force

“[Betrayal] blasts off a new string of adventures starring beloved Star Wars familiars . . . this new installment should please Star Wars fans.”

–Publishers Weekly

Honor and duty collide with friendship and blood ties as the Skywalker and Solo clans find themselves on opposing sides of an explosive conflict.

When a mission to uncover an illegal missile factory on the planet Adumar ends in a violent ambush–from which Jedi Knight Jacen Solo and his protégé and cousin, Ben Skywalker, narrowly escape with their lives–it’s the most alarming evidence yet that political unrest is threatening to ignite into total rebellion. The specter of full-scale war looms between a growing cadre of defiant planets and the Galactic Alliance that some fear is becoming a new Empire.

Determined to root out those behind the mayhem, Jacen follows a trail of cryptic clues to a rendezvous with the most shocking of revelations. Meanwhile Luke grapples with something even more troubling: dream visions of a shadowy figure whose Force power and ruthlessness remind him of Darth Vader. If Luke’s visions come to pass, they will bring untold pain to the Jedi Master . . . and to the galaxy.

Author Biography

Aaron Allston is the New York Times bestselling author of Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Exile; two Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines novels: Rebel Dream and Rebel Stand; novels in the popular Star Wars X-Wing series; and the Doc Sidhe novels, which combine 1930s-style hero-pulps with Celtic myth. He is also a longtime game designer and was recently inducted into the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design (AAGAD) Hall of Fame. He lives in Central Texas. Visit his website at

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Star Wars: Betrayal


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on 20/12/12

A história desta saga, focada agora nos filhos de Luke Skywalker e os de sua irmã, numa batalha dentro da aliança galática. A terra natal de Han Solo ameaça independência, e os conflitos estão à beira da guerra. Ao mesmo tempo, uma ameaça do lado negro da força começa a ganhar a força e pode levar à sedução de um dos novos jedis da Aliança Galática. A história é supreendente, muito dinâmica e Aaron tem as melhores descrições de batalhas de naves que eu já li. Você realmente torce e vê ... leia mais


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17/02/2009 16:28:03