
Tad Harmony Raines


Tad (Three Silverback Bears And A Baby #2)

A silverback seasoned shifters romance

He’d waited half a lifetime for her. There was no way he could let her walk away.

Renowned sculptor, and father to baby Milly, Tad has seen his brother meet and fall in love with his mate. He’d almost given up hope that she would walk into his life. But she did. She walked right into his studio and asked for his help.

And he could not say no. Never. Ever.

Even if helping his mate, Heather, meant standing in front of a crowd of people and making a speech. Yeah. Give him a child to protect. Or a mate to defend and he’d do it. No question. But public speaking? Hell no!

But she asked. So he’ll do it. Because she needs a win. She needs her plans to come to fruition. She needs to feel that rush of triumph to be able to get over her past.

So of course, he’ll do it. She’s his mate.

Thaddeus Harrison. The guy makes her go weak at the knees. Not a thing Heather had ever expected when she makes a last-minute plea to the famous sculptor to open her new business venture. But then he’s not your average sculptor.

He is so much...more.

There is something about him. Something she can’t explain. Maybe that’s it. A little mystery goes a long way. And she’d be willing to go all the way with him.

Not that she has time to go anywhere. Moving to a new town with her two children and her mother, and opening a new business, takes all her time and energy. There is no time for a man in her life. And she wouldn’t want one even if there was.
However, being with Tad makes anything possible. Even a happy ever after in the arms of a man she loves.

But just when Heather thinks she’s got it all worked out, her ex-husband shows up to ruin everything. Or so he thinks. But Heather has grown, she’s a different person. A new person.

With Tad by her side. She will succeed. Because when Tad looks at her with those soft, sensual eyes she can do anything. Be anything.

Most of all, Heather can be Tad’s mate. Forever.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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on 13/11/21

Thaddeus Harrison, conhecido por Tad, é um escultor famoso, e um dos guardiões de Milly. Ele anseia formar uma família, e ver seu irmão encontrar sua companheira predestinada só aumentou essa vontade. Quando Heather vem a seu estúdio pedindo ajuda, para ele ser o orador num evento na cidade, ele não tem como dizer não, finalmente sua companheira chegou, com bagagem, mas quanto mais melhor. Agora ele só precisa ganhar o coração dela e de seus filhos, Bella e Zack . A autora não mu... leia mais


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11/11/2021 02:15:15
editou em:
11/11/2021 02:15:34