The Beast and the Enchantress

The Beast and the Enchantress Camille Peters


The Beast and the Enchantress (A Villain's Ever After #1)

If there’s one thing Astrid, an aspiring enchantress with budding magical powers, has learned throughout her studies, it's that magic must only be used for good. But when an egocentric prince breaks her sister’s heart, Astrid’s only focus is revenge, and what better way to enact it than with a well-chosen curse?

A simple incantation is all it takes to transform the arrogant prince's appearance to match the state of his heart. But something goes wrong, causing the spell to affect not only the prince, but its caster as well. As the curse begins to change her appearance to reflect the state of her own vengeful heart, Astrid becomes desperate to break it at all costs, even if it means entering the castle in disguise and interacting with the prince she loathes.

To her surprise, Astrid encounters not a conceited prince, but one very different from the one she cursed. She soon finds her heart softening, but not in the way she expects—she’s losing it to the cursed prince she has vowed to hate. The closer they become, the more desperate Astrid is to free the prince, and herself, from the curse. But in so doing, she may lose the man she loves forever.

For how could a prince ever love the woman who turned him into a beast?

The Beast and the Enchantress is one of twelve short novels in A Villain's Ever After, a collection of stand-alone stories featuring villainous twists on some of your favorite classic fairy tales. Read the series in any order for magical adventures . . . and fall in love with villains as you've never seen them before. Who said villains can't have happily-ever-afters?

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Beast and the Enchantress


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The Rose Kiss

Resenhas para The Beast and the Enchantress (6)

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on 4/1/22

Mais uma releitura de "A Bela e a Fera". A Feiticeira Astrid e o Príncipe Gladen foram muito bem escritos e desenvolvidos, embora as motivações iniciais de Astrid tenham sido um pouco superficiais e sua visão muito estreita, sem nem mesmo parar um segundo para considerar as consequências de seus atos. Apesar dessa ressalva do início ruim de Astrid, adorei conhecê-los, suas alegrias e tristezas, suas mágoas, raivas, frustrações e sua contrição, lealdade e dedicação aos outros. Um ve... leia mais


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ranking 21
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cadastrou em:
04/01/2022 15:42:25
editou em:
16/07/2022 21:57:07