The Fall of Lord Drayson

The Fall of Lord Drayson Rachael Anderson


The Fall of Lord Drayson (Tanglewood Book #1)

When Colin Cavendish, the new earl of Drayson, informs Lucy Beresford that she and her mother need to vacate the house they've called home for the past two years, Lucy is fit to be tied. They have no money, no relations they can turn to for help, and nowhere to go. How dare the earl break the promise his father had made to the Beresfords without so much as a twinge of conscience? Fate plays her hand when Lucy discovers the earl unconscious and injured in the middle of the road. When he awakens with no recollection of who he is, Lucy seizes the opportunity to teach the earl a much-needed lesson in humility and tells him that he is nothing more than a mere servant. Her servant, in fact. And thus begins the charming tale of a pompous lord and an impetuous young woman, caught together in a web so tangled that it begs the question: Will they ever get out?

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Fall of Lord Drayson


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poderia ter sido MAIS, sabe?

eu terminei esse livro com a sensação de que tudo poderia ter sido MAIS, mais desenvolvimento dos personagens, mais desenvolvimento do romance, mais desenvolvimento do plot em si, não foi um livro PÉSSIMO, mas poderia ter sido MELHOR. acho que meu mau humor com ele também vem da péssima mentira que a lucy conta no começo do livro, foi horrível e odiei toda a situação. enfim, não odiei mas ficou ali pelas beiradas. foi bonitinho em alguns momentos até.... leia mais


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Maria do Carmo Mitchell Neis
cadastrou em:
05/08/2019 10:56:26
Srta. Oliver
editou em:
18/08/2019 11:07:09