The High Crusade

The High Crusade Poul Anderson


The High Crusade

One of the Most Beloved Novels of a Grand Master of Science Fiction, with Introductions and Appreciations by Major Science Fiction Figures.
In the year of grace 1345, as Sir Roger Baron de Tourneville is gathering an army to join King Edward III in the war against France, a most astonishing event occurs: a huge silver ship descends through the sky and lands in a pasture beside the little village of Ansby in northeastern Lincolnshire. The Wersgorix, whose scouting ship it is, are quite expert at taking over planets, and having determined from orbit that this one was suitable, they initiate standard world-conquering procedure. Ah, but this time it's no mere primitives the Wersgorix seek to enslave—they've launched their invasion against free Englishmen! In the end, only one alien is left alive—and Sir Roger's grand vision is born. He intends for the creature to fly the ship first to France to aid his King, then on to the Holy Land to vanquish the infidel. Unfortunately, he has not allowed for the treachery of the alien pilot, who instead takes the craft to his home planet, where, he thinks, these upstart barbarians will have no choice but to surrender. But that knavish alien little understands the indomitable will and clever resourcefulness of Englishmen, no matter how great the odds against them.

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The High Crusade


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on 11/1/24

Em 1345, uma espaçonave pousa na Inglaterra com objetivo de dominar e colonizar a Terra. Só que os alienígenas já não estavam mais acostumados com combate direto, e levam um banho dos humanos, que tomam a espaçonave e acabam tendo aventuras muitas. Vi um resumo do livro e comprei porque achei que meu noivo ia gostar, mas acabei lendo antes dele. E é muito, muito legal! Achei muito divertida a história, os comentários (os alienígenas claramente não podem ser civilizados, porque seus liv... leia mais


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26/08/2013 20:25:21