The Highland Dynasty Series

The Highland Dynasty Series Amy Jarecki


The Highland Dynasty Series (Highland Dynasty)

Read the complete Highland Dynasty Series in one set of magnetic, sexy historical romances!

KNIGHT IN HIGHLAND ARMOR: Governed by a knight’s code of chivalry, the feared Black Knight proves he has a soul. But will Lady Margaret discover he also has a heart?

A HIGHLAND KNIGHT’S DESIRE: As Sir Duncan rushes to rescue Lady Meg from the clutches of the Earl of Northumberland they risk life and limb to make their escape. In the fray, the brawny knight is knocked off guard by the sassy redheaded lass. Aye, he must return Meg to her family and collect his bounty before the woman further sinks her wiles into his heart.

A HIGHLAND KNIGHT TO REMEMBER: Gyllis arrives at the Beltane festival with one thing on her mind—to win the heart of Sir Sean MacDougall once and for all. But fairy tales rarely ever come true without a price...

HIGHLAND KNIGHT OF RAPTURE: Enduring her husband’s infidelity, Lady Helen suffers in silence. And when Sir Eoin MacGregor witnesses Helen’s dishonor, he’s infused with rage. But his hands are tied. If Eoin helps the lady escape, he will break clan law. Will the gallant knight find the strength to mask his deepest desires and save the woman he’s always loved?

HIGHLAND KNIGHT OF DREAMS (a novella): When Alice Lamont discovers Quinn Campbell, grandson of her clan’s most hated enemy, sleeping on the very ground where her father’s blood was spilled, she readies herself for battle. But her cryptic grandmother has other ideas. She gives Alice a rosebud to place beside Quinn as he sleeps. But this is no ordinary rose. Legend foretells of love that rises upon the blooming of this bud. And as Quinn awakes dreaming of a ravishing beauty, he pricks in finger on a thorn and realizes his dream was real. Driven by insatiable desire, Quinn will face heaven and hell to find her. But when he does, will Alice possess the courage to love?


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The Highland Dynasty Series



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