The Perfect Prince

The Perfect Prince Michelle M. Pillow


The Perfect Prince

Dragon Lords #2

The four Qurilixian Princes have no problem with commitment. In one night, using the power they were born with, they will meet and choose their life mate in a simplistic ceremony involving the removing of masks and the crushing of crystals. With very few words spoken and the shortest, most bizarre courtship in history, they will bond to their women forever. And once bonded, these men don't let go.... A Perfect Escape. Nadja Aleksander has everything she could ever want in life, except her freedom. Skipping out on her engagement, to a man her controlling father has chosen for her, Nadja books passage on the first spaceship she can find. Bound for a planet of primitive humanoid males, Nadja plans on finding a simple, hard working man who will allow her to live out her days in total obscurity. A Perfect Mistake. Prince Olek of Draig, royal ambassador, is pleased with his refined and blushing bride. When she chooses him to be her life mate, appearing happy in her decision, his heart soars-until the next morning when his new little Princess wants nothing to do with him. Olek doesn't know what he's done to upset his alluring bride, but he is determined to reignite the spark that burned the night they met. Rating: Contains graphic sexual content, adult language, and violence.


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Para a princesa mais doce, a maior prova

Nadja Aleksander era filha de um médico sem escrúpulos e fugiu dele para o planeta Qurilixian‬. Lá, se casou com o Olek, responsável pela diplomacia do reino. Nadja foi a mocinha que mais gostei da série até agora, poderia ser considerada por fútil por alguns, mas ela era doce, o livro mostra como há lugar para todo tipo de pessoa. E com sua doçura, ela foi a que se adaptou mais facilmente ao reino, conseguindo a liberdade que as outras princesas almejavam de forma mais fácil. N... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 50
ranking 30
ranking 32
ranking 26
ranking 10
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
06/12/2013 14:02:50