Throne of Truth

Throne of Truth Pepper Winters


Throne of Truth (Truth and Lies Duet #2)

The thrilling conclusion to Crown of Lies from New York Times Bestseller, Pepper Winters

“My body blinded me while his lies destroyed me. Penn Everett swept me from my world and into his, and when his lies fell apart, I finally opened my eyes to the truth. The awful, terrible truth.”

Noelle Charlston had it all: her company, a love affair, power and protection.
However, she didn’t pay attention, and in one night, everything she believed in, everyone she trusted turned out to be worse than fake.
Now, she has no one to help her. No one to free her.
She’s on her own and has to make the choice.
Who to believe?
Who to fight?

Advance Reviews for CROWN OF LIES:

"Crown of Lies takes sensual and gripping to the next level in a masterfully written tangled web that will keep you furiously turning pages. Pepper Winters has outdone herself. Penn Everett will be your new obsession." --USA Today bestselling author Meghan March

"Thrilling and mysterious, this book has left me with a major hangover!!!!"--Lina's Reviews

"Crown of Lies is my first top 2017 read so far and it’s a MUST read, one-click worthy book." -- Punch Drunk Library

"Pepper does a great job of delivering, yet again, one of the hottest alphas cloaked in mystery out there." --Dee, Goodreads

"The chemistry between them is scorchingly hot and the banter is perfect."--Vickie Goodreads

"WOW Pepper has done it again. I really wish I could give this book so much more than 5 stars it is brilliant" --We've Licked That Book Blog

Literatura Estrangeira

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Throne of Truth


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Mentiras que mereceram 4 estrelas
on 16/6/17

Ainda estou sobrecarregada com essa história e só posso dizer que leiam essa duologia e se apaixonem pelo mentiroso prq depois de saber a verdade só tem vontade de coloca- lo colo e dizer que ele não estar mais sozinho e qum bom q a Elle sempre foi forte e destemida prq ela é exatamente o q o Penn sempre precisou. Não me canso de ler as obras da PW prq todas são belíssimas.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 101
ranking 27
ranking 37
ranking 29
ranking 4
ranking 4



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03/02/2017 00:32:02