Transcending Darkness

Transcending Darkness Airicka Phoenix


Transcending Darkness (Crime Lord Interconnected #1)

One: Sign the contract.

Juliette Romero had a debt to pay, a debt that wasn’t even hers. But it was the only way to keep her family safe and all she had to do was sell her body and soul to the devil.

Killian McClary wasn’t called the Scarlet Wolf for nothing. He’d been the head of the McClary Organization since he was fifteen and had built a reputation for being a ruthless son of a bitch when it came to running the city’s underbelly, not to mention merciless when it came to punishing those who betray him. He didn’t believe in weaknesses. Only results. Juliette, with her shy smiles and hot little body was a weakness unlike any other and yet he was powerless to resist one more taste of her sweet flesh.

Two: Become his for a year.

When given the choice between her life or her body, what could Juliette possibly do, but submit to a man whose very name invoked fear in the hearts of others? She just never anticipated falling for his dark, hungry eyes and clever hands, or the way the beast in him made her feel oddly safe and cherished.

But what will happen when Killian’s dark past finally catches up to him and threatens the woman he can no longer imagine himself without? What will happen when both sides find themselves caught in a web of passion, lies and broken promises? Can Juliette tame the wolf or will her love for him devour them both?

Three: Don’t fall in love.

Boundaries will be crossed, loyalties will be tested and lives will be changed forever.

This book is NA and intended for a mature audience.

Erótico / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Transcending Darkness


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Resenhas para Transcending Darkness (2)

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on 8/1/22

Esse livro tem seus pontos bons e ruins. Gostei da escrita, dos personagens, do desenvolvimento de alguns, como da Viola pq aprendi a gostar dela. O que não gostei foi o desenvolvimento do Killian mas de certa forma eu entendo tb. Ele nunca quis esse mundo então se afastar disso meio que ja era esperado. Porém, mesmo esperado, não foi um final exatamente satisfatório. Por isso eu dei 4 estrelas. No mais foi uma boa leitura.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 17
ranking 29
ranking 47
ranking 18
ranking 6
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
08/10/2015 09:28:16
editou em:
12/11/2021 21:59:25