VÉNUS Ben Bova


VÉNUS (Colecção Nébula #90)


VÉNUS (2000) [The Grand Tour Series #16 by Ben Bova] '-' O local mais desolado do Universo. Com uma atmosfera mais pesada do que enxofre, e a meses de distância da Terra, mesmo com a nave espacial mais rápida, Vénus continua desconhecido após um século de viagens espaciais. Alex Humphries, filho do implacável magnata espacial Martin Humphries, parte para este planeta e desaparece subitamente sem deixar rasto. Procurando a recompensa de biliões de dólares que é oferecida, duas naves partem para Vénus. Aí irão encontrar algo que irá mudar as suas vidas, algo de tão inesperado e surpreendente que irá alterar a exploração espacial para sempre.

[Sobre o Autor] Para além de ser Presidente Honorário da Sociedade Espacial bem como Membro da Sociedade Interplanetária Inglesa, Ben Bova é um editor galardoado e enquanto autor, possui mais de noventa obras publicadas entre livros de ficção e ensaios. Formado pela Universidade Estatal de Nova Iorque e pela Universidade Temple de Filadélfia, recebeu recentemente um Doutoramento concedido por uma das mais conceituadas universidades da Califórnia. Reside actualmente na Flórida.

[From Publishers Weekly] In 1993 Bova took readers to Mars and himself onto bestseller lists. Last year's A Return to Mars also sold well. So a narrative about manned exploration of Venus seems an obvious step for this popular author, and Bova's new novel will indeed please his fans, as it offers his usual mix of solid science, serviceable (if sketchy) characterizations and lickety-split plotting with plenty of cliff-hangers. It's late in the 21st century. Three years ago, the first human to visit Venus, Alex Humphries, son of decadent multibillionaire Martin, never returned. Now Martin is offering $10 billion to whoever will retrieve Alex's remains from that planet's hellish surface. Racing against one another for the prize are Alex's aimless younger brother, Van (the story's narrator, who's just been disowned by Martin), and legendary asteroid-miner Lars Fuchs, who detests Martin as much as Martin detests Van. Van's expedition goes bad early on; high above Venus, colonies of alien "bugs" eat through his ship's hull, forcing him and his crewAseveral of whom dieAto seek refuge on Fuchs's stronger craft. Personality conflicts rampage there, particularly between domineering Fuchs and mild-mannered Van, and there's romantic tension between a young female biologist and Van. The real drama, however, arises from revelations that explain the roots of the hatreds among Van, Fuchs and Martin, and during Van's dangerous descent in a small ship to the surface of Venus, which Bova depicts with strong visual imagery as a deadly infernoAalbeit one inhabited by an unexpected life form....

[From Library Journal] When business tycoon Martin Humphries offers a fortune to the first person to travel to Venus to recover the remains of his son Alex, lost on the planet two years earlier, two men take him up on his offer. One is his frail second son Van; the other is his rival and greatest enemy. Bova's latest novel not only captures the alien and hostile Venusian atmosphere but also manages to tell a top-notch adventure story of broken dreams and lifelong hatreds that match the turbulence of Venus itself. The author's excellence at combining hard science with believable characters and an attention-grabbing plot makes him one of the genre's most accessible and entertaining storytellers. Recommended for sf collections.

[From Booklist] A leading light of hard sf and space advocacy turns his attention from Mars to Venus. Van Humphries is the sickly and despised second son of a billionaire whose elder and favorite son died in the first attempt to land a man on Venus. In competition with another expedition, undertaken by his late mother's first husband, he sets out to recover his brother's body. Bova's subordination of characterization to setting and hardware works well because it is subordinated to the depiction of a worthy antagonist--the terrifying environment of Venus' surface, where the atmospheric pressure is hundreds of pounds per square inch, temperatures are high enough to melt lead, visibility is nonexistent, the weather starts at vile and gets worse, and the air is, when not actively poisonous, still totally unbreathable. Altogether, the place is a fine setting for a man-versus-environment tale. Hard sf fans in general and Bova fans in particular will generate strong demand for his highly respectable new effort. Roland Green

[From Kirkus Reviews] Guess where the action of editor/writer Bova's latest science fiction yarn (Return to Mars, 1999, etc.) takes place? Egotistical and brutal magnate Martin Humphries offers a prize of ten billion dollars to anyone who can reach the surface of Venus and recover the remains of his beloved son, Alex, who perished there two years ago during a voyage of exploration. Narrator Van, Martin's sickly, despised younger son, declares he'll make the attempt. Asteroid miner Lars Fuchs, Martin's hated and feared longtime antagonist, will also join the effort. With Martin pulling all the strings, Van is given little say in his expedition's makeup. Still, the party reaches Venus and descends into the thick, broiling atmosphereonly to discover microorganisms consuming the fabric of their ship! Fuchs, having also arrived on Venus in a vastly superior ship, attempts a rescue, but only Van and biologist Marguerite survive. Fuchs loathes Van, of course, and beats him up. But Van needs constant medicationhe saved none from the wreckor he'll die. Only Fuchs himself can provide a blood transfusion. Fuchs agrees, but then puts Van to work. The ship descends toward the hellish surface. Finally, after various adventures (mutiny, illness, murder, revenge), the seekers discover Alex's escape podonly for their ship to be threatened by weird, metal-eating life-forms. Exciting and vividly wrought, if somewhat predictable and improbable. The coming-of-age theme, though, should find its natural YA audience.-- Copyright © 2000 Kirkus Associates, LP.

''Bova proves himself equal to the task of showing how adversity can temper character in unforeseen ways.'' --New York Times

''[A] well-researched, thrills-and-chills descent through Venus' pressure-cooker atmosphere. With solid science, a palatable environmental message, and an inspiring character arc for unlikely hero Van, Venus delivers guilt-free, man-against-nature SF in a tight, page-turning package.'' --Amazon.com, Editorial Review

''A top-notch adventure story of broken dreams and lifelong hatreds that match the turbulence of Venus itself. The author's excellence at combining hard science with believable characters and an attention-grabbing plot makes him one of the genre's most accessible and entertaining storytellers. Recommended for sf collections.'' --Library Journal

''A leading light of hard SF and space advocacy turns his attention from Mars to Venus . . . Hard SF fans in general and Bova fans in particular will generate strong demand for his highly respectable new effort.'' --Booklist

Aventura / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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