Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York Luana Ferraz


Welcome to New York

Harry has a secret.
He led a well-planned life and knew exactly what he wanted. Until...
Something chased him away from his hometown in England. He arrives in New York wishing to erase his past, eager for a fresh start. A new life. Everybody here was someone else before.

Alana has a secret.
She left her small town in the Midwest chasing a dream. She arrives in New York determined to see her name flashing in bright lights on Broadway billboards. Everybody here wanted something more.
She was in the right path, but then...

When Harry and Alana meet, they recognize each other’s scars. They bond over the things they don’t say. They find comfort in long silences. But as they learn how to deal with life’s plot twists, they find out the Big Apple has its own plans for them.
For how long can they hide? How long can they keep everyone else at a distance? How long until their past catches up with their present?
Their lives are about to get irreversibly intertwined. Do you want to know how?

First of all, welcome to New York!

Para comprar na Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.br/Welcome-York-English-Luana-Ferraz-ebook/dp/B0793HWBQQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1516564403&sr=1-1

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Welcome to New York


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Bem-vindos a Nova York

Resenhas para Welcome to New York (2)

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Amei, livro mais delicado que já li
on 22/1/18

O que eu mais gostei nesse livro é de como as personagens são REAIS, você às vezes sente raiva da decisão que eles tomam e depois tá chorando junto pq vcs se amam e querem ser amigos hahahaha A história é simples, mas de um jeito que te prende e você se vê torcendo pelo bem de todo mundo, querendo viver nesse mundinho deles de pessoas falhas, mas maravilhosas. Recomendo a leitura, é uma delícia ... leia mais


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Bia Coutinho
cadastrou em:
21/01/2018 16:32:27
editou em:
14/01/2020 12:55:42