A Serial Killer

A Serial Killer's Daughter: My Story of Faith, Love, and Overcoming Kerri Rawson


A Serial Killer's Daughter: My Story of Faith, Love, and Overcoming

In 2005, Kerri Rawson heard a knock on the door of her apartment. When she opened it, an FBI agent informed her that her father had been arrested for murdering ten people, including two children. It was then that she learned her father was the notorious serial killer known as BTK, a name he’d given himself that described the horrific way he committed his crimes: bind, torture, kill. As news of his capture spread, Wichita celebrated the end of a thirty-one-year nightmare.

For Kerri Rawson, another was just beginning. She was plunged into a black hole of horror and disbelief. The same man who had been a loving father, a devoted husband, church president, Boy Scout leader, and a public servant had been using their family as a cover for his heinous crimes since before she was born. Everything she had believed about her life had been a lie.

Written with candor and extraordinary courage, A Serial Killer’s Daughter is an unflinching exploration of life with one of America’s most infamous killers and an astonishing tale of personal and spiritual transformation. For all who suffer from unhealed wounds or the crippling effects of violence, betrayal, and anger, Kerri Rawson’s story offers the hope of reclaiming sanity in the midst of madness, rebuilding a life in the shadow of death, and learning to forgive the unforgivable.

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A Serial Killer


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Serial Killer

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Leitura importante!
on 9/11/21

A Darkside acabou de publicar esse livro e eu acho que vc deveria ler! Temos a mania que glorificar o serial killer, monstro, a besta, queremos saber como e quantas ele matou, o porque. Nesse livro vimos o outro lado que quase ninguém comenta, o lado "normal", o lado pai, marido, filho. Vemos aqui que ele não só destruiu as famílias das suas vítimas fatais, mas também a sua própria, justamente porque também são vítimas. Vítimas de mentiras, de ilusões, de abusos... Penso que é pr... leia mais


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28/08/2021 01:19:05