A Warrior

A Warrior's Heart Jaclyn Osborn


A Warrior's Heart (Tales of Fate #3)

I’ve watched over Troy his whole life. But I no longer see him as the boy he used to be. He’s strong, brave… beautiful. Being a warrior is all I’ve known for so long. Yet with him, I find myself wanting more.
He makes me feel alive again.

When King Triton sends me on a mission to find a powerful legendary weapon, I know it will be dangerous. The human king wants a war with my people, and if this weapon falls into his hands it could mean our destruction. Failure is not an option.
I must put aside my feelings for Troy no matter how much I crave him. Love has no place in my world. Not when danger follows me wherever I go.

Malik is stern, overprotective, and stubborn. He still sees me as the young, scared boy he used to protect, but I want him to see me as the man I’ve become. When he sets out on a quest to the surface world, I leave the protection of our underwater kingdom and go with him.
Trust is hard for me. Intimacy is harder. But Malik makes me feel safe. Treasured. In his arms, my broken pieces begin to mend.

However, tension between the land and sea heightens and war seems inevitable. It’s up to us to save not only our kingdom, but each other.

A Warrior’s Heart is Book 3 in the Tales of Fate series and must be read in order. This is an age gap, hurt/comfort fantasy romance with mermen, pirates, underwater fun, and a wicked king or two. HEA guaranteed. Please use the "Look Inside" feature for trigger warnings.

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A Warrior


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Found at Sea
The Nymph Prince

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Muito bom!
on 29/12/22

Igual aos dois primeiros, o terceiro segue a mesma linha de acontecimentos. Tudo está desabando, há várias perguntas e nenhuma resposta. Fiquei grudada no livro até a última parte. O casal é excelente e sofre bastante até conseguir o final feliz merecido. Adorei ver os personagens dos outros livros aqui. Ah, e esse não é o último. Terá mais um (ainda bem).... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
07/08/2021 16:17:23
editou em:
07/08/2021 16:17:42