Addams and Evil

Addams and Evil Charles Addams


Addams and Evil

An Album of Cartoons

"New Yorker cartoons can be roughly divided into two classifications, which, back in the days when I was the most insanely miscast of an almost endless procession of art editors, were conveniently designated as "straight" and "nutty".....(the second type) of New Yorker art, rather menacingly displayed in the pages of this book, is harder to define, since it is less a criticism of any local system than a total and melodramatic re-arrangement of all life. Unlike the reportorial artist, whose scenes and personnel are ready-made, the man who draws pictures like those assembled here is obliged to create a nightmare landscape of his own and to people it with men, beasts, and even machines whose appearance and behavior are terribly at variance with the observable universe. He is, generally speaking, successful to the precise extent to which his creations seem peculiar, disturbing, and even outrageous to the normal, balanced mind. In my opinion, the subject of these notes--a man named Charles Addams--is one of the most outrageous artists in America in the sense that his work is essentially a denial of all spiritual and physical evolution in the human race. Some of this book is merely disconcerting--if, of course, it is no more than disconcerting for a couple in a hotel room to watch the sprouting of a pattern of knife points in the wall, unmistakably outlining a shrinking female form--but most of it is frankly devoted to man's crazy, triumphant return to the mud from which he came." Foreward by Wolcott Gibbs (1947)

Almanaques / Horror / HQ, comics, mangá / Humor, Comédia / Não-ficção

Edições (1)

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Addams and Evil


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A Família Addams: Álbum de Família

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Biblia dos desajustados
on 18/11/23

Addams and Evil é a segunda antologia de desenhos feitos por Charles Addams, o criador da famosa família que leva seu sobrenome e eles também aparecem, mas não são os únicos. Por aqui todo mundo foge dos padrões convencionais e são a turminha ''do contra'', por isso acho válido alertar que temas sensíveis são retratados livremente com toques de humor. Os personagens do Addams não sabem ou não ligam que são diferentes, é a versão século XX de quem fica compartilhando meme depressivo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/11/2023 13:42:18
editou em:
18/11/2023 13:45:07