Kailin Gow

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Kailin Gow is an actress/host, a producer, and writer. She is also a bestselling author of the young adult fiction series, Bitter Frost (The Frost Series), the popular vampire fiction series PULSE, the Phantom Diaries series, and critically-acclaimed The Stoker Sisters series. She grew up in Southern California, attending Arcadia High School, where she got her first taste of the acting bug, playing dramatic roles such as Adrian in Rocky to the comedic Chef in Woody Allen's Don't Drink the Water. Her performance as the shy, sensitive, but smart Adrian garnered her rave reviews. Following High School, Kailin attended the University of California at Irvine, majoring in Drama and Social Ecology. She studied under Stephen Barker, Phil Thompson, and James Calleri. As an undergraduate, she wrote, produced, cast, acted in, and directed plays, which were featured among graduate student showcases. She also helped create new curriculum for the drama department when she was elected onto an Undergraduate Drama Department Board. Elected as Chair of the UCI Arts Board, she curated the university's school-wide community and student arts program, discovering local artists from Southern California. Additionally, she founded, executive-produced, and co-hosted a radio talk show for Asian Americans, called "Bridges", which coincided with her production and co-hosting of a radio show for women called, "Womyn's Voices." With her excellent grades and work in entertainment, Kailin received a scholarship to study at USC's Masters program in the Management of Communications at the Annenberg School of Communications, a program known to produce many executives and producers in the entertainment field. After only two semesters, Kailin graduated at the top of her class.

She has helped write and produce news shows, been on HGTV's Holiday Windows television specials, acted in a Chuck E. Cheese commercial with her preschool-age daughter, London Gow, who is also an actress/model, and is working on several production projects in various stages of production including "Brainy Yogis" a DVD series for 2 - 7 year olds which teaches fitness and reading.

Her Shy Girls Social Club Handbook for Dealing with Bullies and Other Meanies (released October 2010) has been accepted by the Parents Teacher Association and California schools as curriculum.

She is the founder of 3As for Autism (Actors, Artists, and Authors for Autism) and Women Who Write Group and Radio (a professional women writers organization), as well as the social self-esteem development teen group, Shy Girls Social Club, which provides learning opportunities, friendships, and scholarship opportunities for teen girls in the creative fields.


Livros publicados por Kailin Gow (18) ver mais
    A Chinatown Christmas
    Blood Bond
    Beautiful Beings
    Frost Kisses
    Blue Blood

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25/12/2010 03:54:55
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