Beauty and the Mustache

Beauty and the Mustache Penny Reid


Beauty and the Mustache (Knitting in the City #4)

There are three things you need to know about Ashley Winston: 1) She has six brothers and they all have beards, 2) She is a reader, and 3) She knows how to knit.

Former beauty queen, Ashley Winston’s preferred coping strategy is escapism. She escaped her Tennessee small town, loathsome father, and six brothers eight years ago. Now she escapes life daily via her one-click addiction. However, when a family tragedy forces her to return home, Ashley can’t escape the notice of Drew Runous—local Game Warden, bear wrestler, philosopher, and everyone’s favorite guy. Drew’s irksome philosophizing in particular makes Ashley want to run for the skyscrapers, especially since he can’t seem to keep his exasperating opinions— or his soulful poetry, steadfast support, and delightful hands— to himself.

Pretty soon the girl who wanted nothing more than the escape of the big city finds she’s lost her heart in small town Tennessee.

Beauty and the Mustache is book #4 in the Knitting in the City series, and book #0.5 in the Winston Brothers series. Each book is a standalone, full length (110k words), contemporary romantic comedy novel, and follows the misadventures and exploits of seven friends in Chicago, all members of the same knitting group.

Chick-lit / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Beauty and the Mustache
Beauty and the Mustache


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Uma salada mista de sentimentos que super deu certo
on 22/6/17

Penny Reid é aquele tipo de autora que você só precisa ler um livro de sua autoria pra se apaixonar pela escrita e sair louca atrás de outras obras dela. A mulher realmente sabe o que faz e faz bem feito. Aqui conhecemos Ashley (Ash) uma enfermeira de Chicago que 8 anos atrás saiu de sua cidade natal em busca de autorrealização e uma vida nova. Da família que deixou para trás só mantém contato com a mãe e Ashley tem um monte de família, são seis irmãos, isso mesmo seis irmão machos e... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 189
ranking 31
ranking 50
ranking 15
ranking 4
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cadastrou em:
22/03/2020 14:02:08
editou em:
24/06/2021 12:24:42