Blackmailed by the beast

Blackmailed by the beast Georgia Le Carre


Blackmailed by the beast

She was running from me and I was running from something too. I knew the moment I caught up with her there would be no hiding the truth...

When I was a child my favorite fairytale was Beauty And The Beast. I dreamed of sacrificing myself for my father, and bravely going to an enchanted castle to live with the Beast. There I gently kissed the beast and transformed him into a handsome Prince.

Now, I'm an adult, and it appears I have somehow wandered into the enchanted mansion of a beast. He is cold and harsh and cannot be transformed with a gentle kiss, but strangely, I don't want to transform him.
Every single atom in my body, from the tips of my hair to the soles of my feet vibrates, throbs, and calls for my beast to take me ... again and again.


Soon the whole world will know my name ... but first I have a distraction to deal with. The matter of a manipulative lying little thief.

When I catch up with her, those bright, scheming eyes try their best to work their magic on me. Somebody should have told Chelsea Appleby no one steals from Thorne Blackmore.

She tells me she will pay me back. She is sorry. She wants more time. The problem is I don't actually need the money back. What I need is to punish her. To possess and own every beautiful inch of her body.

I want to leave my mark on her delicate English skin. Forever.
This is a full length standalone with no cheating and guaranteed HEA. Includes bonus content.

Erótico / Romance

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Blackmailed by the beast


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Reconto da Bela e a fera
on 18/4/23

Chelsea roubou uma quantia significativa do seu ex patrão e sumiu, desde então o magnata Thorne não faz outra coisa a não ser procurar a loira de beleza inimaginável que o faz subi pelas paredes kkkkk. Bom ele encontra ela, e exige um acordo de escravidão por 3 meses, ou polícia, Chelsea aceita. No início ela estava compelida a fazer tudo o que fosse necessário, pois se achava merecedora de ser o objeto daquele homem. O b.o é que os dois se gostam, mas nenhum assume Chelsea pelos tra... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 7
ranking 29
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ranking 57
ranking 14
ranking 0



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cadastrou em:
08/02/2020 16:09:47
editou em:
11/12/2021 14:36:35