Bound to the Outlaw

Bound to the Outlaw Cassidy Quinn


Bound to the Outlaw

(The Alpha Outlaw #1)

Jack Hawkins is an ambitious young cowboy seeking his fortune in the Wild West when he stumbles across the Alpha Outlaw, a legendary gambler and gunslinger with a massive bank account and a thrilling secret. The Outlaw is planning a king-sized heist that could make them both rich beyond imagining, and he wants Jack to join his gang.

Jack is irresistibly drawn to this stranger, in a way he never knew he could feel for another man. But the ruggedly handsome Latino is a dominant leader who demands complete loyalty from his men. If Jack wants in on the action, he must submit himself in ways he never imagined. Things are going to heat up when it’s time for the Alpha Outlaw to claim Jack and brand him as his man forever…

This romantic erotica novelette is Part 1 of the ongoing gay historical western series The Alpha Outlaw. It contains BDSM, an interracial first time gay conversion, branding, and more!
-The Alpha Outlaw #1 – Bound to the Outlaw
-The Alpha Outlaw #2 – Three of a Kind
-The Alpha Outlaw #3 – Shackled by the Sheriff (coming soon!)

Excerpt from The Alpha Outlaw #1 – Bound to the Outlaw
My cheeks began to burn at the man’s stare. I had seen other fellas get that look in their eyes before, where they looked like a hungry wildcat about to pounce on a bird – but only when they were looking at a beautiful woman. I was confused and intrigued by the attention, and my stomach filled with a fluttering heat.
A wide grin spread across the man’s immaculate features. He seemed amused at how nervous I had grown, and doubly amused that he himself was the cause of it.
“You look like you could use a bite to eat and a place to rest your boots for a spell,” he said.
“That’s all right, mister,” I said, waving my hand in front of him. I was still flushed, but regaining my composure. “I ain’t looking for no charity, I can make due on my own.”
My growling stomach cursed me for a fool as I uttered those words. I had eaten the last of my food yesterday – a stale biscuit and a meager scrap of salted pork, washed down with a swig of lukewarm canteen water. But famished as I was, I was wary of the mysterious man. There was something about the stranger, a devilish charm and an easy aura of personal magnetism that made him come across as smooth as a sip of rich bourbon. I knew I’d have to be careful, or I’d find myself slipping under its seductive spell.


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Bound to the Outlaw



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cadastrou em:
01/02/2015 17:21:14