Brave Surrender

Brave Surrender Kim Walker Smith


Brave Surrender

Let God’s Love Rewrite Your Story

Descrição do produto
Kim Walker Smith's passionate performance of "How He Loves" helped transform Jesus Culture into a global worship movement. Brave Surrender is the story of how Kim journeyed from a place of shame and fear to stages around the world where she boldly proclaims the unconditional love of God. Through her own story, Kim inspires us to experience true freedom and healing with Jesus.

Coming from a painful childhood, Kim struggled to believe that God could heal her heart or bring any sense from her past. Yet when faced with the choice to hand her struggles over to God and receive His love in return, everything began to change. On the other side of surrender, Kim began a journey of looking at one painful memory at a time with God and exchanging her perspective for His truth - a journey in which God rewrote her story of pain into a story of redemption and hope.

If you are longing to experience God more than the shame or hurts of your past, the pressures of your present, or the fear of your future, Brave Surrender offers a soul-healing path forward. As Kim learned in her own life, the first step - and the bravest step - is letting go. Once we let go of anything that gets between us and God, we are freed to take hold of the life that truly matters. As Kim writes, "When we encounter God's love, it changes the way we see. And when we learn to see what He sees, we will never be the same again."

Sobre o Autor
Kim Walker Smith is a singer-songwriter, worship leader, and founding member of the Jesus Culture, a global worship movement. For over fifteen years she has played a major role in influencing worshippers and worship teams around the world toward a passionate pursuit of Jesus.

Today Kim lives just outside of Sacramento, California with her husband Skyler, their two boys Wyatt and Bear, and daughter Maisie. When she's not leading worship at her church Jesus Culture Sacramento, she travels internationally to lead others into genuine encounter with Jesus. You can keep up with Kim on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @kimwalkersmith.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Religião e Espiritualidade

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Brave Surrender


Resenhas para Brave Surrender (1)

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on 28/5/21

Eu amo ler biografias de pessoas que têm a sua história construída em Deus, com todos os tropeços e acertos que fazem parte das nossas vidas e que, em nada, diminuem o poder redentor de Jesus, o qual graciosamente nos sustenta no caminho da Verdade e celebra conosco cada passo em direção à plenitude da vida.... leia mais


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14/02/2020 12:06:04