Burning Little Secrets

Burning Little Secrets Vivian Mae


Burning Little Secrets

A secret romance filled with devious secrets, angsty lure and breath hitching steam. Burning Little Secrets divulges the forbidden journey of an engaged womans encounter with a sexy small town hero. **A secret steamy standalone romance** (Recommended for readers 18+) Romance Tropes: Forbidden/Secret Romance, Small Town, Widow, Instalove Julia When my best friend Eve invited me to visit her and my dad back home in North Carolina, I hesitated. My wedding with Robbie was only a week away, and our rocky relationship was already on edge. Even though it was a bad time to go back, I couldnt resist the chance to visit my best friendboth to sort out my own feelings and escape from Robbies increasingly controlling behavior. Never could I have imagined how this quick trip and an innocent night of freedom could have spiraled out of control. Meeting Nathan wasnt supposed to happen, and I definitely wasnt supposed to kiss him. But he was so kind and sexy, and it was so nice to feel wanted for once. But, as soon as I came to my senses and ran from our kiss, I bumped into the one person I never expected. My trip away is now a harbor of secrets, created by those close to me, and my new found taste for freedom. Nathan When I saw Julia watching me at the bar, I felt something I hadnt felt in years. When I kissed her, I knew she was meant to be mine. But this Robbie guy she was with, he seemed to have some pull over her, something I couldnt understand. I hated how he treated her, and I knew she deserved better. So, when she offered me the time she had left, I decided to take it, showing her the side of freedom she only dreamed of. Our connection, our chemistryit was undeniable. I wanted her to leave Robbie; I wanted her to be with me. But, when it came down to it, what I really wanted was for her to be happy. But could I keep her close while keeping my demons at bay? The things Ive done, the person I once was, and all my little secrets. Ill fight to keep her home, to make her mine, even if it takes a little naughty convincing.

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