Captivated by a Lady

Captivated by a Lady's Charm Christi Caldwell
Filipe Nassar Larêdo


Captivated by a Lady's Charm (Lords of Honor Series #2)

Lords of Honor book 2

In need of a wife Christian Villiers, the Marquess of St. Cyr, despises the role he's been cast into as fortune hunter but requires the funds to keep his marquisate solvent. Yet, the sins of his past cloud his future, preventing him from seeing beyond his fateful actions at the Battle of Toulouse. For he knows inevitably it will catch up with him, and everyone will remember his actions on the battlefield that cost so many so muchparticularly his best friend. In want of a husband Lady Prudence Tidemore's life is plagued by familial scandals, which makes her own marital prospects rather grim. Surely there is one gentleman of the ton who can look past her family and see just her and all she has to offer? When Prudence runs into Christian on a London street, the charming, roguish gentleman immediately captures her attention. But then a chance meeting becomes a waltz, and now... A Perfect Match All she must do is convince Christian to forget the cold requirements he has for his future marchioness. But the demons in his past prevent him from turning himself over to love. One thing is certain--Prudence wants the marquess and is determined to have him in her life, now and forever. It's just a matter of convincing Christian he wants the same. New York Times Bestselling Author Sarah MacLean says about "Captivated By a Lady's Charm" "... Caldwell does not shy away from the emotional or physical pain of wounded warriors, and this book asks important questions about the impact of war while reminding us that love can sometimes be a remarkable salve..."


Edições (1)

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Captivated by a Lady


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Sinopse Skoob - 2° livro da Série Lords of Honor
on 13/3/23

Precisando de uma esposa, Christian Villiers, o marquês de St. Cyr, despreza o papel para o qual foi escalado como caçador de fortunas, mas precisa de fundos para manter seu solvente marquesado. No entanto, os pecados de seu passado obscurecem seu futuro, impedindo-o de ver além de suas ações fatídicas na Batalha de Toulouse. Pois ele sabe que inevitavelmente isso o alcançará, e todos se lembrarão de suas ações no campo de batalha que custaram tanto, especialmente seu melhor amigo. Na ... leia mais


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26/03/2016 04:12:11