Collared for a Night

Collared for a Night Susan Arden


Collared for a Night

Collared for a Night: one bite, they risk crossing the line...into forever. A graphic designer by day, Diana's body is blazing as a single leopardess shifter. On the brink of a heat cycle, she risks shifting without warning. Talk about embarrassing! It's also a crime with stiff penalties. Desperate, Diana signs up for stud services at a private shifter club. Every siren in her head blares when Shawn Barclay enters her room. Good God, what is her boss doing here? Confirmed bachelor, a businessman and council leader, Shawn is responsible for crafting the means to enable shifters and humans to co-exist. Time isn't something he wastes. Yet he goes from half-mast to forged steel when temptation crosses the threshold of his shifter club. In his book, fraternizing with the staff is a no go except he can't deny what his body demands. A curvaceous kitten in heels might be sex-n-sin, but hell will free over before he allows another stud to service Diana. Shawn gives her one option: spend the night with him, and as an alpha, he'll quench her heat-crazed urge to shift. From searing, Diana's world tilts. As the moon rises toward midnight, these lovers give into carnal hunger and discover they've crossed an irreparable line. One that has the power to alter their futures. With careers, professional agendas, and civil unrest on the horizon, it's crunch time. On a business trip to Sin City, Diana and Shawn are forced to put aside their primal urges. Not easy once their leopards have been awakened to a feral instinct older than time. ~Warning: paint peeling adult content. Rocky Mountain Shifters Book #1: Sexy ex-military wolf shifters, vampires, leopard shifters. Welcome to the Downtown Den. A private club for shifters in need...

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João gregorio
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27/10/2022 07:38:53