Complicating Factors (The Witch Who Came in from the Cold Season 2 Episode 2)

Complicating Factors (The Witch Who Came in from the Cold Season 2 Episode 2) Max Gladstone...


Complicating Factors (The Witch Who Came in from the Cold Season 2 Episode 2)

The Cold War gets magical when spies brush shoulders with sorcerers in this genre-defying serial created by Lindsay Smith and Max Gladstone. This is the 2nd episode in the second season of The Witch Who Came In From The Cold, a 13-episode serial from Serial Box Publishing. This episode written by Max Gladstone. New assignments send the players down fresh paths as Josh looks for Pragues organized crime scene while Tanya and Gabe seek out the new Flame bigwig. At Bar Vodná, Jordan has a curious encounter. Welcome to Prague, 1970: the epicenter in a Cold War of spies and sorcerers. The streets are a deadly chessboard on which the CIA and KGB make their moves, little dreaming that a deeper game is being played between the Consortium of Ice and the Acolytes of Flame, ancient factions of sorcery. Praise for The Witch Who Came in from the Cold: "Those who like to mix magic, spycraft, and secret history should enjoy thisit may please fans of Strosss Laundry series." Locus Magazine "Full of fast-paced, high-intensity action paired with magic at a level that has not been seen until now, with a cliff-hanger that lets readers know that the game is not over and has only just begun." The San Francisco Book Review "The Witch Who Came in from the Cold is a chilly evocation of a different kind of Cold War." Charles Stross, author of the Laundry Files series Take a double shot of Le Carré, a dash of Deighton, a twist of Quiller, a splash of Al Stewarts The Year of the Cat, throw in a jigger full of elemental magic, mix well ... and voilà! The Witch Who Came In From The Cold. Victor Milán, author of The Dinosaur Lords "The occult love child of John le Carre and The Sandbaggers." Marie Brennan, author of A Natural History of Dragons "As soon as I saw that, I was instantly hooked, and the pilot jacked the intrigue to the max. Two female Soviet spy witches, an American spy with something weird drilling magical holes in his head, and a world of secrets within secrets in a locale where old-world myth and the Cold War face off, pedal to the metal . . . its awesome. Or as we said in 1970, Far out. " Sherwood Smith, author of Crown Duel "The installments are easy to read one at a time, but the tangles of alliances, secrets, and shocking double-crosses will have readers up all night mumbling, Just one more. Publishers Weekly, starred review

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