Crisis (Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery series Book 6) (English Edition)

Crisis (Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery series Book 6) (English Edition) Robin Cook


Crisis (Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery series Book 6) (English Edition)

The inventor of the medical thriller shows the professions dark side: the terrifying story of a doctor who is sucked into the maelstrom of the current medical malpractice crisis. When Boston-based Dr. Craig Bowman is served with a summons for medical negligence, hes shocked, enraged, and more than a little humiliated. A devoted physician who has endured grueling years of training and worked continuously in the service of others, he is now a partner in an exclusive concierge medical practice. No longer forced to see more and more patients while spending less and less time with each one just to keep his office door open, he provides the kind of medical care he has been prepared to do, lavishing twenty-four-hour availability and personalized attention on his handpicked patients. And at last he is earning a significant income, no longer facing decreased reimbursements from insurance companies. But this idyllic situation comes to a grinding halt one sunny afternoonand things get much, much worse. Enter Dr. Jack Stapleton, a medical examiner in New York City and Bowmans brother-in-law: Jacks sister Alexisnow Bowmans estranged wifebegs for his help as her husbands trial drags on. Jack agrees to travel to Boston to offer his forensic services and expert-witness experience to Craigs beleaguered defense attorney. But when Jacks irreverent suggestion to exhume the corpse and thereby disprove the alleged malpractice is taken seriously, he opens a Pandoras box of trouble. As Craigs life and career are put on the line, Jack is on the verge of making a most unwelcome discovery, of tremendous legal and medical significanceand there are people who will do anything to keep him from learning the truth.

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Crisis (Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery series Book 6) (English Edition)



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