Darkman -  O Homem das Trevas

Darkman - O Homem das Trevas Randall Boyll...


Darkman - O Homem das Trevas (Série Pêndulo #49)

Darkman: Vingança sem Rosto

Darkman (1990) -- Romance de Randall Boyll baseado num argumento de Chuck Pfarrer e Sam Raimi & Ivan Raimi e Daniel & Joshua Goldin. História de Sam Raimi '-' Antes, Peyton Westlake (Liam Neeson) tinha uma vida normal de cientista – apenas um pouco excêntrica -, com uma bela namorada, uma carreira brilhante na Medicina (a criar pele sintética para vítimas de queimaduras graves). Mas então foi ele próprio vítima de queimaduras extremas, atacado por uma gangue de criminosos sádicos... Corpo e alma ficaram irreconhecíveis. Agora, o Homem das Trevas vagueia pela noite à procura da mulher que ama, à procura dos que destruíram a sua vida, sonhando com a vingança. A pele que consegue reconstituir na perfeição dura apenas uma hora e meia; depois, volta a ser apenas um monstro horrivelmente deformado, sem esperança de voltar a ser apenas o Dr. Peyton Westlake.

Scientist Peyton Westlake is working on a project to create synthetic skin. Now the skin he has developed has a flaw--it will not remain stable for more than 99 minutes. His girlfriend, Julie, a lawyer is investigating a developer. She leaves some incriminating documents at Peyton's. One night Peyton was working when the lights in his lab went out, he then discovers that the synthetic skin has remained stable past 99 minutes, he deduces that it's because of light that the skin doesn't remain stable. And it is at that moment that a psychotic criminal, Robert Durant appears demanding the documents that Julie left there. They beat up Peyton, and after finding the documents they blow up Peyton's lab. Peyton was blown away and everybody believes he is dead but in reality, he was found, burned seriously and a new procedure was performed on him that renders him unable to sense pain, he also now has tremendous strength and is now prone to violent outbursts. He is now working on perfecting the synthetic skin and at the same using his technology to make synthetic skin masks of the men who attacked him so that he could strike back at them.

A brilliant scientist left for dead returns to exact revenge on the people who burned him alive. In his quest for revenge, Peyton Westlake aka the Darkman, is able to take on the appearance of anyone (using the synthetic skin,) but he only has 100 minutes per disguise...

Aventura / Cinema / Crime / Distopia / Fantasia / Ficção científica / Horror / Romance / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

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Darkman -  O Homem das Trevas


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cadastrou em:
30/07/2016 11:50:09
editou em:
30/07/2016 11:54:12