Disrespectfully Yours

Disrespectfully Yours Jennifer Chipman


Disrespectfully Yours (Best Friends Book Club #2)

What happens when two co-workers who can’t stand each other end up stuck together at a work retreat for an entire week?

Angelina Bradford
I hate him. Viscerally. After our two-year long email feud, I end up stuck with him at our company retreat and I’m furious. Except, the more time we spend together, the more I struggle to reconcile the arrogant asshole who’s been making my work life impossible with the suave man who insists on taking me hiking and canoeing because he loves nature and wants to get to know me. I don’t want a relationship, but one passionate night together stirs something in me, so I decide I want to keep doing this. With rules, of course. No dinners together. No dates. No staying the night. A strict friends-with-benefits arrangement. The problem with self-imposed rules, though, is that they’re too easy to break…

Benjamin Sullivan
When I first laid eyes on her two years ago, I thought she was beautiful. Then we fell into an email war full of mutual quips and thinly veiled insults, and I decided that if she was determined to hate me, I would hate her too. Until we’re paired together at the company retreat, and I realize that I don’t want her to hate me. I spend the week trying to win her over and make her see that I’m not as bad as she thinks. But then one thing leads to another and she ends up in my bed. It’s supposed to be a one-time thing, so I’m surprised when she proposes a no-strings-attached arrangement. I agree with her rules, but as the days and weeks pass, I start wondering if there could be more between us than just sex...

Ficção / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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A protagonista tem um clube do livro com as amigas ??
on 9/3/24

A história do livro é sim muito boa, a construção do romance deles é divertido e engajou bem. A Angelina é a grumpy da história, bem teimosa e chatinha, porém quando eu tava começando a gostar dela, bem quando ela tava percebendo o quanto tava sendo bocó, acontece a reviravolta besta que não precisava ter entrado na trama dpakspsks Em contrapartida, eu amei o Ben! Ele é fofo, sexy, atencioso e nada tedioso, pra mim ele carregou toda a história. Gostei bastante dos personagens secundár... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 33
ranking 18
ranking 45
ranking 30
ranking 6
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01/12/2022 11:30:40
editou em:
02/06/2023 21:00:44