
Downfall Jay Crownover



Solomon Sanders doesn't have time to fall in love.
Until a stunning, skittish, single mother forces him to pause and recognize just how empty and hollow his busy life has become.
From the start, it's been ingrained in Solo's DNA to fight. Fight for what he believes is right. Fight for the people he loves. Fight for the traces of good in a place which tends to be filled with a variety of bad. Fight for survival, so at some point, his life will quiet down and find a normal pace.
He wasn't ready for the impact his secretive, shy, obviously out of place new neighbor was going to have on him. And never in a million years was he prepared to fall head over heels for her and her young daughter.
Now, he's facing the most important, and the hardest fight he's ever fought… the battle to win Orley's damaged heart.

Orley Vincent's heart is full of fear, leaving no space for love.
Until a big, brash, brawler of a man forces his way in and makes her realize facing her fears is the only way she can ever be free.
From the start, Orley was groomed to believe she wasn't good enough. She wasn't the perfect daughter. Or student. Or girlfriend.
But, she has always been the best mother she could be to her daughter, Noble. Keeping Noble safe has always been the one thing she was determined to do, which ironically, is how she ended up on the wrong side of the tracks, living next door to an unlikely hero. Orley's a woman on the run. She had no idea her frantic sprint was going to land her in the tattooed arms of a man ready to teach her how to fight for herself… and for love.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Resenhas para Downfall (1)

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on 28/3/19

4 Stars DownFall é um livro ótimo. É um livro que tem uma mãe solteira que faz de tudo para proteger sua adorável filha de 3 anos de idades , apesar das circunstâncias de suas vidas no momento não serem a melhor, tem um protagonista forte trabalhador e que aparece na vida dessas duas quando elas mais precisam . É um romance entre duas pessoas de mundo opostos com um toque de suspense no meio. Para quem leu as séries anteriores dessa autora também pode rever alguns conhecidos p... leia mais


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28/03/2019 11:18:09