Either Side of Midnight

Either Side of Midnight Benjamin Stevenson


Either Side of Midnight

'Either Side of Midnight is a gripping, gritty thriller with an ingeniously shocking premise and twists and turns youll never see coming!' Liane Moriarty, bestselling author of Big Little Lies 'An exceptional new talent' Jane Harper, bestselling author of The Dry 'A complex and hugely original page-turner. Stevenson has officially made my auto-buy-author list.' Christian White, bestselling author of The Nowhere Child How can it be murder when the victim pulled the trigger? At 9.01 pm, TV presenter Sam Midford delivers the monologue for his popular current affairs show Midnight Tonight. He seems nervous and the crew are convinced hes about to propose to his girlfriend live on air. Instead, he pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the head. Sams grief-stricken twin Harry is convinced his brother was murdered. But how can that be, when one million viewers witnessed Sam pull the trigger? Only Jack Quick, a disgraced television producer in the last days of a prison sentence, is desperate enough to take Harrys money to investigate. But as Jack starts digging, he finds a mystery more complex than he first assumed. And if hes not careful, he'll find out first-hand that theres more than one way to kill someone . . . 'The male relationships in Either Side of Midnight are layered in a way that transcends the crime genre. Funny, disturbing and unpredictable.' Jack Heath, bestselling author of Hangman 'Either Side of Midnight, which trips between light and dark, city and country, and twists the reader into knots, is for fans of solid Australian crime authors like Chris Hammer, Christian White and Candice Fox.' Books and Publishing 'A gripping thriller.' Who Weekly 'Stevenson writes solid Australian crime thrillers with a command of psychology and suspense and a dark comic edge. That the series extends its tendrils into satire it neatly skewers the culture of our television industry only adds to its appeal.' The Age

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21/10/2023 04:05:25