English for Research Papers

English for Research Papers Jim Hesson


English for Research Papers

A Handbook for Brazilian Authors (English Edition)

The number of Brazilian researchers publishing in prestigious international journals has increased substantially in recent decades along with the pressure to publish or perish. However the tools needed to accomplish the task are not always readily available. In particular, writing research papers in English for international journals requires an advanced level of English proficiency as well as an in-depth knowledge of conventions and patterns of research papers. Although journals routinely return research papers to authors requesting a revision of the English, authors in Brazil often have limited options for revising them. Although countless books on the market teach everyday colloquial spoken English, none specifically aims to address the types of errors made by Portuguese speakers writing research papers in English. The aim of this book is to address this need, providing a guide where a class, teacher, or editor may not be available.

This is a one-of-a-kind book designed specifically for Brazilian researchers needing to write and publish research papers in English. It also can be used to develop an advanced proficiency level in English. Part I looks at the big picture, focusing on organizational patterns and rhetorical conventions that run throughout research papers and articles, clearly connecting the story line from one paragraph to the next, and from one section of the paper to the following. As these patterns are often not explicitly taught in Brazilian writing classes, students generally find this section quite informative. Part II provides tips for making writing clear, coherent and concise. Part III covers grammar and word usage errors common to Portuguese speakers writing in English, providing a comprehensive review of advanced grammar constructions. Part III also includes several chapters aimed at expanding advanced academic vocabulary needed for writing research papers, including numerous lessons and exercises targeting this vocabulary. Part II and III could also be used to support students preparing for the TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE and IELTS tests. The book includes over 4,000 academic words translated from Portuguese to English.

This book draws heavily on some of the best practices of applied linguistics, more specifically, the fields of English for Academic Purposes and English as a Second Language (ESL). However, in contrast to popular ESL books that address a wide variety of grammar errors, this book focuses exclusively on typical errors made by Portuguese-speaking authors, with examples derived from Brazilian research papers. After revising over 1,200 research papers, various books, articles, dissertations, and more than 200 abstracts written in English by Portuguese speakers, I have isolated and identified commonly reoccurring errors made by these authors writing in English. Most of the exercises of this book are designed to address these trouble spots, which are often the result of literally translating from Portuguese to English (tradução ao pé-da-letra).

This book can be used by students from diverse fields of study with examples from a wide variety of research papers on a wide range of topics from Brazilian research. You can use the book alone, in a group of colleagues or with a teacher in a class.

In a nutshell, this book focuses on common errors in grammar, word choice, mechanics, style, as well as rhetorical and organizational patterns in research papers. When a paper contains a multitude of these errors, the text seems confusing and poorly written. The overall effect distracts readers from clearly grasping the message and appreciating the true value of the research. If you submit such a paper to an international journal, it will likely be returned with a request for a revision of the English. If you master the remedial lessons outlined in this book, you will avoid the majority of common errors that result in editors rejecting or complaining about the English of your papers.

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English for Research Papers
English for Research Papers



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Luiz Vicente
editou em:
10/12/2016 02:05:21