Face the Music: A Life Exposed

Face the Music: A Life Exposed Paul Stanley


Face the Music: A Life Exposed

In Face the Music, Paul Stanley—the co-founder and famous “Starchild” frontman of KISS—reveals for the first time the incredible highs and equally incredible lows in his life

both inside and outside the band. Face the Music is the shocking, funny, smart, inspirational story of one of rock’s most enduring icons and the group he helped create, define,

and immortalize.

Stanley mixes compelling personal revelations and gripping, gritty war stories that will surprise even the most steadfast member of the KISS Army. He takes us back to his

childhood in the 1950s and ’60s, a traumatic time made more painful thanks to a physical deformity. Born with a condition called microtia, he grew up partially deaf, with only

one ear. But this instilled in him an inner drive to succeed in the most unlikely of pursuits: music.

With never-before-seen photos and images throughout, Stanley’s memoir is a fully realized and unflinching portrait of a rock star, a chronicle of the stories behind the famous

anthems, the many brawls and betrayals, and all the drama and pyrotechnics on and off the stage. Raw and confessional, Stanley offers candid insights into his personal

relationships, and the turbulent dynamics with his bandmates over the past four decades. And no one comes out unscathed—including Stanley himself.

“People say I was brave to write such a revealing book, but I wrote it because I needed to personally reflect on my own life. I know everyone will see themselves somewhere in

this book, and where my story might take them is why I’m sharing it.” —Paul Stanley

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

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Paul é um ótimo storyteller
on 4/6/21

Minha primeira biografia e eu não podia estar mais honrada de ter começado com Face the music: A life Exposed de Paul Stanley. Embarcamos nessa jornada com Paul Stanley desde sua infância, que não foi nada fácil, até o sucesso do Kiss. Acompanhamos todo o processo de formação do grupo, o desafio em encontrar pessoas que compartilhem não apenas dos mesmos sonhos, mas que estejam dispostas a trabalhar duro para alcançá-los. Desde a criação do nome do grupo e identidade da banda a difi... leia mais


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20/06/2014 12:49:01
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04/11/2015 07:45:49